Page 28 of Drunk In Love
I don’t know what to think at first. It was an honor that Brandon picked me over Bree or Westin to run TSS. This was his baby, essentially, for the past decade. Trusting someone else to hold down the fort was a huge ask. A few weeks prior to working on the Financial Journal case, I would have eagerly grabbed at the opportunity. Now I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.
“As honored as I am that you’d choose me, I still think it would be a conflict of interest. A big one.”
“Conflict of interest because of Kamaya?”
I roll up my shirt sleeves, suddenly feeling warmer. “Well, if I’m in charge, that would certainly be a conflict of interest. That would make me Kamaya’s boss. I don’t know how that dynamic would work.”
Brandon laughs. “Max, this entire office is a big conflict of interest. Bree and Westin are married, which normally could be a taboo, but they were two of the best, so I hired them anyway. Hell, my now wife was a protectee in my custody when our relationship transitioned into a more romantic one. You and Kam fit right in in terms of all the conflicts of interest going on around here.”
Brandon was right, I thought. Everyone around Kamaya and I were able to make things work no matter how forbidden or typically taboo it was. Could Kamaya and I do the same?
What am I thinking? We shared a drunken kiss and couldn’t even talk about it.
“I guess you have a point there,” I say. “It’s still going to be extremely uncomfortable.”
“Does that mean you’re saying yes?” Brandon asks.
“It means I’ll consider it,” I say. It was a great opportunity that I knew I could handle. At least work wise.
“You think about it, but not for too long. Soon I will be searching to hire a replacement so we can remain a team of five. I know a great protection agent looking for a transfer, and she would be a great addition. Assuming someone else hasn’t snatched her up already.”
“Oh, you’re serious about this move if you’re already scouting for a new team member. How long will this arrangement last?” I ask.
“Six months or so. I’m not anticipating all of this to take more than half of the year. I’ll come back periodically, but most of our meetings will be via Zoom, since I trust you’ll keep all of this in good hands. Now, I just need you to believe you can handle it.”
Before I could respond, a knock sounds on the door, followed by the slow creaking of the door hinges. “Zach, what are you doing up here? Come in. Max and I were just finishing up.”
Brandon is looking past my shoulder, and I turn in time to see Zach quietly shutting the door. “Perfect timing then. Kamaya let me in, and we were just speaking about how everything is unfurling. She mentioned Charles Dennis and Harrison.”
“As you know, Max here has been assisting. Based on the meeting we just had, everything seems to be developing well. And yes, I do need to speak with you further about Charles and Harrison.”
“That’s good to hear,” Zach says, angling towards me. “I’m sure Kamaya appreciates you as a mentor, Max.”
He was lucky Brandon was here because, first of all, I would have told him off for calling me Max like we’re longtime friends. Also, he didn’t know what Kam and I had. I was more than just some mentor.
I kissed her first. Ha!
“I’m more than just a mentor,” I say, standing up. I need to leave the office before I say something I’ll regret.
“Brandon, I will think about what we discussed and get back to you,” I say before leaving.
Brandon nods in answer and turns back to his friend. I head back over to my shared desk area with Kamaya, and she’s not currently sitting there. I’m relieved because I need a second after the past few moments.
Brandon was right. I could definitely handle taking over the business side of what we do. I was amiable enough and got along with everyone on the team. There was no real reason I should turn this opportunity down. It always went back to me fearing responsibility. Relationships and job opportunities all came with responsibilities and people depending on you, and that felt like a tight knot around my neck.
With too much on my mind, I wasn’t even interested in reading the file I had on my laptop about Franco. He was the needle in a haystack when it came to this case.
“How did it go with Brandon?” Kamaya asks, returning to her desk. We usually leaned away from the partition to see each other, but for once I was grateful to have the barrier between us. The eye contact was too intimate and made me think of the kiss each time.
I didn’t think it was my place to mention Brandon leaving before he made an announcement to everyone, so I kept my mouth shut about that.
“Everything’s fine. Did you get in contact with Bree about the organized crime?”
“Yes, she advised that she’s already reached out to a former friend who works in that division and said she’d let us know what they were able to find.”
“Great, I was thinking?—”
“Oh, Zach, you’re leaving?” I hear Kamaya ask from the other side. Zach’s lanky figure appears over the partition, looking down at Kamaya, who is seated.