Page 43 of Drunk In Love
“That’s not all,” I say, indicating towards the door.
Max immediately moves before me, shielding me from the cracked doorway. He inches it open and peers out at the patio deck.
“Anything look amiss out there?” I ask.
“No,” Max says, shaking his head. “The patio looks just how I left it. Guessing whoever broke in here must have gone out the back door.”
I stare at the doorway behind Max, incredulous at how someone managed to slip in undetected. Knowing someone was in the apartment feels violating. I hated the idea that someone encroached on Maxwell’s space, and had he been here, they could have seriously hurt him.
“How did they not trip the alarm?” he asks, heading over to the counter where he left his phone.
“My guess is by using a jamming device to shut off access to the security team, and then they were able to enter by picking the locks. We know if a person wants in, they will find a way.”
Maxwell runs a hand over his hair. “After I left Smokey’s, I decided to go to your place. That was around ten. Whoever came in might have been watching and lucked out when I didn’t return until this morning.”
“What about upstairs?”
“So far my bedroom looks like a tornado went through it. I haven’t touched anything.”
“Good,” I say. “We should call the police and report this. Have the break-in on record. Hopefully, whoever was here doesn’t plan on coming back.”
Max releases a deep sigh. “I sure hope not. I’ll call them now.” He moves towards his phone and begins explaining to local law enforcement what’s going on. He’s advised that an officer nearby would be out soon.
I could see how this was now weighing on Max. I couldn’t imagine how he felt. The idea of someone entering your space without permission felt icky.
I go to wrap my arms around his taut middle and rest my head on his chest. No words are exchanged, but in that moment, none are needed. Maxwell knew I was always there for him.
“Stay with me,” Max whispers into my hair.
The officer arrives sooner than expected, and I tag along upstairs after them. Max shows that his normally neat bedroom has his things strewn about. His favorite sports memorabilia and drawers are open, and the closet’s compartments have been pulled out.
The officer takes down Max’s info and takes some photos of the home in disarray.
“You were very fortunate to have not been here when the break-in occurred. Give us a call for anything suspicious,” she says before heading back to the cruiser.
Once the officer is gone, Max and I spend the next half hour securing all windows and doors, and he makes a call to his security company while he packs a bag for the weekend and work clothes for Monday.
Heading back to the car, I ask Max what has been on my mind since I discovered the open back door.
“You think this has to do with FJ? Maybe it’s Zach or Harry?”
Max shrugs a shoulder, holding the door open and setting the alarm before stepping out onto the landing with me.
“It confirms that we’re being watched. Someone does not want us to figure out what’s going on with the leak.”
“Yeah, it’s starting to scare me. I realize now what you all go through out here while I’m used to being on the inside,” I say.
Max moves to put one of his strong arms around me. “I’m glad that if it had to be one of us, they chose my place. I’m not letting you out of my sight till this is resolved.”
I smile up at him. “And I’m not letting you out of mine.”
We arrive to work together Monday morning after Max and I spent the entire weekend in bed. When we weren’t on the bed, we were on the couch, on the floor, and even in the shower. A sex-filled weekend and the best I’ve ever experienced. Finally, I felt like I was with the right man. The man that was designed perfectly for me. Neither of us were ready to go anywhere now that our relationship had veered towards romantic, which was still an odd concept. On Friday, Maxwell Scott was my friend. Now come the start of a new week and he’s my boyfriend? Lover? We hadn’t discussed any labels, and my relationship PTSD had me not wanting to broach that topic right away. I needed to learn how to just let things breathe before taking charge like I normally did. It wouldn’t be easy for me.
I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit I was scared. Max and I discussed nothing about the future. For now, we were together. No mention of how this could proceed moving forward with our coworkers, friends, and family. It wasn’t like they’d be meeting a new person in the other person’s life, but it would mean having to reintroduce ourselves as more than friends. I’d be lying if I said the thought of having to do that wasn’t giving me some anxiety.