Page 60 of By Sin To Atone
“Bloodwork is back. It’s probably why you have your dizzy spells.”
That has me turning all my attention to him. “What?”
“Dizzy spells. Doctor thought it might be related.”
“Is that what you were talking about when you left the room? My dizzy spells?”
He nods like it’s normal but maybe for a man like him, a Society man, it is. A waiter arrives with rolls and butter, and another comes carrying a bottle of wine and two giant glasses. He pops the cork and pours for Zeke, talking some pretentious bullshit about the wine’s origins as Zeke tastes it and gives his nod of approval. He pours for both of us and then leaves the bottle.
I pick up a roll and butter it. “It’s not an iron deficiency.”
“You are iron deficient.”
“I can’t normally afford steak.” I pop bread into my mouth.
“I didn’t realize you were medically trained.”
“True, but that’s not it.”
“What is it then?”
I eat another bite of bread, not sure why I said anything. I pick up the glass of wine and sip and OMG it’s good. Really good. I don’t know much about wine, apart from cheap and this is not that.
“Don’t chug it.”
I give him a look and take another deliberately big sip, but I won’t waste it. I set the glass down.
“You’re classy, Blue.”
“I don’t want to cramp your style so I can leave if you prefer,” I push my chair back and make to stand.
He sets his hand on my thigh, skin to skin contact sending a bolt of electricity through me again. Does he feel it too? He has too, right? It can’t just be me.
But I shouldn’t forget even though he’s the first man who’s ever touched me or been interested in me in that way, he’s probably had hundreds of women.
“Stay,” he commands in that quiet, low way of his that leaves no room for anything but obedience.
I clear my throat and stay.
“The dizziness,” he reminds me.
I shake my head to clear it and watch Carly lead another couple to their table. She glances at Zeke, and I look at him and I can see what she sees honestly. He’s handsome, no doubt. Very handsome. Sexy in that rich asshole kind of way some women like. Hell, maybe I like it a little too, stupid as it is. He doesn’t even glance her way, and I can admit she’s a lot better looking than I am.
Zeke’s gaze moves to my hand, and I realize I’m touching the scar on my face. I pull it away.
“My dad. The night he hurt Wren. I told you that he hit me, too. I didn’t only break the mirror with my face.” I point to the scar. “Bride of Frankenstein, remember? He smashed my head into the side of the tub. I don’t know how many times. I passed out and ever since then, it just happens. It happens more when I’m stressed. And weirdly a lot when I’m around you,” I tack on.
I have never told anyone this. Why am I telling him of all people? The bread I swallow sticks in my throat, and I gulp wine to wash it down.
“How did you take care of yourself and your sister? How did you afford it these last years?”
“How do you think? I worked. It’s what normal people do, Zeke. You’re rich. You’ve never had to think about food or a roof over your head or a sick sister.” His lips tighten and a shadow crosses his eyes. It takes him more than a minute before he blinks and the Zeke I am getting to know is back.
“What about school?”
I pick up another roll but just pick at it. I shake my head. I don’t know why I feel embarrassed about this. I had zero options. It’s not like I’m a drop out by choice.