Page 151 of My Rules
“So ...” He points to his house with his thumb. “Blake Grayson, your date, is going to go home now.”
“Right.” I nod again.
“And Blake, your friend ... was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie on your fold-out.”
I smirk.
He holds up his two hands, as if surrendering. “Completely platonic movie-watching only ... don’t get any ideas.”
“On one condition,” I reply.
“What’s that?”
“We wear face masks while we watch,” I tell him as I put my key into the door.
“Deal.” We walk inside. “But I’m telling you, if an alien with two cocks arrives, you’re taking one for the team.”
“What the hell does that mean?” I frown.
His eyes flick up, as if he’s surprised. “Ignore me, I’m drunk.”
Chapter 16
I put my keys down on the bench. Blake is behind me, and he sits on the lounge.
It’s suddenly awkward, as if we both know this is a bad idea.
What was I thinking?
In my defense, he did say that he wanted to be here as my friend. But now that he’s inside, it feels decidedly like the end of a date.
“Do you want a cup of tea or something?” I ask as I walk around the corner into the kitchen.
“Sure.” He holds the remote up to the television. “What do you feel like watching?” he calls.
“A movie sounds good.”
“Any requests?”
“No, not really,” I call back.
Suddenly I’m panicked.
I take out my phone and go into my group chat. I text Juliet and Chloe. They think I went out with a new date. I left out the Blake part.
I have a situation.
I watch the dots bounce as a text comes back.
Such as?
I asked my date in for coffee after our date, what do I do now?
I wait for the reply, and I can see them both typing furiously.
You jump his bones, that’s what you do.