Page 198 of My Rules
Blake Grayson is feisty.
Not sure I like this side one little bit.
“Be careful, Blake.”
In slow motion, his head turns toward me, and his eyes widen. “Did you really just say that?”
I wither a little.
Okay, maybe too far.
A cab pulls up, and he gets in and goes to shut the door behind him.
Is he fucking serious?
“I’m coming,” I snap. He begrudgingly slides over, and I climb in behind him and slam the door shut. He glares out the window as we drive in silence. Why the hell is he so angry? I wasn’t rude to his family ... shit, was I?
Ugh, maybe I was.
Damn it, I thought I was hiding it well.
We ride in silence, and finally the car pulls to a stop at our hotel. He climbs out and turns to take my hand while I climb out, and then he drops it like a hot potato and turns and marches inside.
I fume all over again.
I follow him down the corridor and stand to the side while he opens the door, and then I storm past him into the room. I throw my bag down onto the table. “I don’t know what your problem is.”
He slams the door shut. “You’re my fucking problem.”
“Me?” I point to my chest. “I’m the problem?”
“I’m going to ask you one more time and one more time only. And if you dare fucking lie to me, I’ll drive you to the airport right now.” He puts his hands on his hips. “What is the matter with you, Rebecca?”
“Firstly ...” I put my hands on my hips too. “Don’t you dare threaten to take me to the airport. I have no idea who you think you are, but you do not get to speak to me like this. I’ll drive myself to the fucking airport, thank you.”
We glare at each other, animosity bouncing between us.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he growls.
“You want the truth?” I throw up my hands in defeat. “Fine. I don’t think we should have started seeing each other.”
“And why is that?”
“I just ...” I pause as I try to articulate myself properly. “I liked how things were, and I think we’re better off that way.”
His eyes hold mine.
“I adore you, Blake, and I just think ... we’re better off as friends.”
“So ... what?” He purses his lips. “You don’t like me?”
“Not like that.”
He smirks and picks up my handbag and passes it to me. “That’s the first and last time you’ll lie to me. Get out.”
My mouth falls open in shock. “What?”
“Get. Out,” he growls. “I don’t know much about anything, but I do know that you are lying, and if you haven’t got the guts to tell me what your fucking problem is, then there’s no point.”