Page 223 of My Rules
Exactly like I predicted, exactly like I’ve lived before.
Indigestion burns my chest as the stress takes a physical hold.
My heart begins to seep into the bottom of my shoe, and I know that I can’t do this anymore. I have to talk to him today. As much as I’ve been dreading doing it and hoping that it wasn’t going to come to this because he was going to prove me wrong, I can’t hold it in anymore. I can’t act like I’m not dying inside.
Because I am.
Every single second that he lies to me, it’s like a knife through my heart.
I thought Blake was my forever man, my one true love.
“Once you have packed everything away, can you all come and sit on the mat as we wait for the bell, please?” I call to my class.
They run around and hurriedly pack everything away, then dive for the mat. They sit with their legs crossed and their backs straight.
I smile as I look around. Oh, to be so young and innocent and so excited to sit on the mat before you get to go home.
I wish my life was so simple.
“Good afternoon, class.” I smile.
“Good afternoon, Miss Dalton,” they reply in their singsong voices.
The bell rings, and they leave the classroom. I take my time to try and prepare myself.
Blake waits patiently outside with Daisy, and I feel like I’m walking to the gallows. I’m probably about to hear something that I don’t want to and then be forced to talk about my worst nightmares.
Finally, when I can’t delay anymore, I grab my bag and walk out.
Daisy dances around, excited to see me, and Blake smiles softly and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Took your time,” he teases.
“Well, if I had been given some notice, I would’ve been prepared.”
“Well, if I had given you notice, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”
“I don’t have anything packed.”
“I packed a bag for you.”
“I just really don’t want to go away this weekend.”
Blake smiles. “That is until you get there. Trust me, this weekend is going to be the bomb.”
“Blake.” I sigh.
He throws his arm around my shoulder as we begin to walk to the car.
“Why do you want to go away, anyway? We’ve got so much to do at home.”
“Because I want to take my girl away for a special weekend and show her how much she means to me.”
My eyes search his.
I think I’ve heard that exact sentence before. Another dagger goes through my heart, and emotion overwhelms me.
I drop my head to hide my face from him as we walk to the car. Daisy is dancing and bouncing around and thankfully distracting from my sadness.
Blake loads her into the car, and I get into the passenger seat. “Oh, so this is why you wanted to take my car today, so Daisy could come?”