Page 40 of Used
Which only makes going back to work after eight days of incredible sex even more impossible.
Since our night at the club, Elsie’s pussy has kept my dick busy every free moment in her day. We’ve fucked in every room of the apartment when she’s home, in her office when I brought her lunch one day, and in the backseat of my truck on a side street when we were headed to the grocery store. She’s even taken to letting me sleep in her bed because it means easier access to my cock.
The words ‘I need you.’ get my dick standing at attention faster than a bullet out of the barrel of a gun.
That woman’s cunt has me by the balls, and she knows it.
“Pretty boy! You payin’ attention?” The boss yells.
“Fuckin’ hell. I’m comin’, ya tool!”
“Not for 28 days, you aren’t, pretty boy.” He laughs as I approach him, which only makes me want to punch him in the face more. “Sky’s not clear enough for a ‘copter to get us out there. Workboat’s gonna take us this time.”
“I know. I got the email, too.” I roll my eyes.
“Pretty boy can read? I’m shocked.” He laughs but seems to recognize my sour mood and changes his tone. “Just givin’ you a hard time, kid. Com’ ‘n. Grab ya shit and get on board before Cap blows a line. 90 minutes to departure. Got it?”
“Sure thing,” I grumble, grabbing my bags from the back of my truck.
We make our way onboard the boat, which will take us on a 16-hour ride to drop off the crew shift change and supplies for the rig. It’s God awful early, and I don’t want to be here—I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Elsie because she was still asleep—but it’s part of the gig.
The ship is massive, with all the room for cargo, but the cabins they give us to bunk in are smaller than a horse stall. I can touch both walls standing in the center of the room.
It doesn’t take long for me to make my way through the ship and find my cabin. Once settled in, I collapse on the bed to pass out for a quick nap before we ship off, and someone comes to find me and give me a task to do.
I settle into the bed, and relaxing comes surprisingly quickly despite the ship’s noise.
Just as I am drifting off - BANG - BANG
A loud banging on my cabin door wakes me.
Much to my annoyance, the banging doesn’t stop, and I struggle out of bed.
“I’m coming!” I grumble, pulling open the door leading to the hall.
When I open the door, I’m greeted by the sight of a grumpy-looking Captain and…
“Elsie?” I ask.
“Hello.” She says with a little wave.
I look to her right at the other woman standing before me.
“Captain,” I say tentatively.
“She yours?” The Captain asks with a frown on her face.
“Uh. Yeah.” I stutter at the intimidating woman.
“Well, she’s quite persistent. Demanded to be let on board and threatened every crew member I sent down to deal with her until I came to handle it myself.” Cap says, glancing over at Elsie with a look of almost… respect? “I like her.”
“Thank you,” Elsie says, her voice confident at the Captain’s acceptance.
“That said… whatever your business is?” Cap snaps, turning on the heel of her boot. “Wrap your shit up quickly. Then get off my ship.”
“Thank you, Captain,” Elsie says.
“You’re welcome!” The Captain calls back, then turns over her shoulder with a small smile. “And congratulations.”