Page 45 of Used
This? With Marshall?
The emails are too much, too close to all of those wounds I thought I healed a long time ago.
Every email reminds me that he will eventually leave and will not be back.
Then I’ll be on my own.
Which is fine. It really is. I’m prepared for that eventuality. It was my plan all along, after all.
But there’s a part of me that craves the feeling I had when he was here.
Like a weighted blanket settling over me, there’s a calm reassurance about having him around, much as I loathe to admit it.
So, instead of answering his daily emails, I’ve thrown myself into work.
I’ve taken to working from home, and I’ve informed the front desk that I don’t want visitors. I don’t need anyone stopping by.
I tell myself it’s not to avoid anyone per se. It’s more like a measure to ensure I’m focused throughout the day.
Oliver has already filtered through the emails I respond to, which helps me avoid unnecessary tasks, but my to-do list grows longer with each one I open.
That is why I haven’t responded to Marshall’s pleas for attention.
Not because I’m scared.
I’m sitting in my office, reviewing another report for a meeting tomorrow, when my doorbell rings.
“The fuck?” I say, and then the pounding starts.
“Elsie!” A deep voice comes down the hall as I approach my front door. “Open up!”
Tapping on the screen beside the door, an image of Gunnar, dressed in combat attire, appears.
“Elsie! I know you’re there.” Gunnar says a little quieter. “Let me in, or I’m forcing my way in.”
“He wouldn’t dare,” I mutter.
“One.” He counts. “Two.”
“Fuck.” I curse, reaching for the door handle.
“Three.” He says, just as I swing the door open. “Oh. Good.”
Gunnar looks smug, which I hate.
“What are you doing here?”
“What does it look like?” He shrugs, his massive frame towering over me. “I’m here to check on you.”
“So, you threaten to break into my apartment?” I squeak.
“You weren’t opening up.” He says blandly. “You gonna let me in, darlin’?”
“Ugh. Fine.” I say, stepping to the side to let the blonde Viking of a man inside. “How did you get up here, anyway? The front desk was supposed to shut down the penthouse elevator. Only I have a key to that.”
He gestures over his shoulder to where the elevator doors are, wide open.