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“Daddy, I’m gonna come.” She pants out.
“Come for me, princess. You can do it.”
Her scream penetrates my room, and suddenly, I’m there, careening over the edge alongside her.
My orgasm feels like it extends forever, and my heavy breaths match the sound of Elsie’s gasps for air as well.
“That was so perfect, princess,” I murmur.
The only sound in my room is her heavy breathing coming through my computer speakers.
“Fuck, Marshall.” She sighs. “That was fantastic.”
There’s a few more seconds of silence where I just listen to her breathe.
“I hope you enjoyed that.” She says, then the recording stops.
I look down at my hand, covered in my cum, and grab for the box of tissues within reaching distance to clean myself up.
That was more than I could have hoped for.
I can’t wait until I get to replace that toy with my cock.
April 27 — 16 Weeks 5 Days, Avocado
Fuck. That was incredible. You’re so fucking sexy. Thanks for the surprise.
And you’re bringing that toy with you to The Playground. I want to see you make those noises in person next time.
P.S. 1 day until you get to ride this cock again. See you tomorrow.
Chapter 15
May 5 — 18 Weeks 1 Day, Artichoke
Marshall arrived home on the night of the 28th. Having him there was a weight off my shoulders.
I hadn’t fully realized what a stressor it was to have him away, but having him back eased a tension in my shoulders that had been accumulating for the past 28 days.
It wasn’t my intention to take his first day home as a full day off and spend it rolling around in bed with him, but that’s what ended up happening. Then, while during the day I’ve been desperately trying to get ahead on work, in the evenings, it’s been just us and a multitude of orgasms. I’m pretty sure he’s fucked me on every surface in my apartment. Yet, it still doesn’t feel like enough sometimes.
I crave the man constantly.
We arrived at The Playground on Saturday to find the entire place brimming with science fiction lovers celebrating May the Fourth with full costumes and regalia. Several of the resort’s patrons invited us to join in on their festivities, but we quickly absconded to our room.
Unfortunately, the realization of my impending meet and greet with Marshall’s family today has my nerves in knots, and not even a good dicking down this morning was able to solve the anxiousness that’s taken residence in my stomach.
I shouldn’t be nervous. They’re just people, after all, not monsters. But something has my stomach churning in a way I haven’t experienced since my first trimester.
The drive from The Playground to Marshall’s family home only takes us an hour, but it’s an hour of me twisted up in nerves.
The problem isn’t Marshall or his family… it’s me. I’m the problem.