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As we exit the Salon and are headed out to the car, a voice stops me in my tracks.
“Elizabeth?” His deep rumble echoes down the hall and rings through my skull like a gong.
I turn around, and immediately, my face goes pale at the sight of the older man in an impeccable suit.
“Elizabeth.” He says with a plastic smile, striding up to me confidently before stopping short.
His eyes grow wide as he takes me, in all of my pregnant glory, in.
“You’re pregnant.” He says shortly.
“I am.” I smile politely.
“I didn’t realize you had gotten married.” He ponders.
“I’m not,” I reply shortly, my frustration growing.
“Of course not.” He sighs. “Just another rebellion, of course. You never could do anything the right way, could you.”
The jab stings a little too much, and I shrink back at the barb, but suddenly, there’s a strong figure at my back.
“Sir.” Marshall’s voice rumbles from behind me as he wraps himself around me and extends his hand out to my father. “I’m Marshall. The dad.”
“Oh?” My father shakes his head. “Of course, you’d do this to me, Elizabeth. What a disappointment. Not only are you pregnant out of wedlock, but the father is this boy?”
Marshall’s hand falls to his side, curling in a fist as he pulls it back.
“Father,” I say slowly. “You have no say over my life or my choices. If I’m a disappointment, then that’s your feelings to wrestle with. But I don’t live my life in accordance with your rules. I haven’t since I cut contact with you.”
“You mean your tantrum that you’ve been throwing? Right.” He scoffs. “Don’t forget who supported your naive dreams to get you where you are. Who helped you establish the company you’re throwing everything away for in favor of this pitiful life you’re bringing into the world? Such a shame.”
When I tense, Marshall’s hands come up to hold me around my shoulders, comforting me in the only way he can right now.
“Elsie, we need to go.” He says softly.
“Right…” I reply, tears in my eyes.
Marshall moves to turn me away to leave, but I only make it a few steps before my father speaks again.
“Such a shame.” Father tsks. “I would have thought you better than this, Elizabeth. Seeing you like this hurts me.”
“It hurts your ego, father.” I snap out. “That’s all.”
“Don’t disrespect me like that. You owe me everything.” He scoffs.
“I owe you nothing.”
Father sighs. “You may think that now, but you’d be surprised how quickly your world can fall apart. How quickly things can be taken from you.”
He gives my body a long up and down.
“Children especially need to be protected from… well…” He glances over at Marshall, taking in his tall figure and all of his tattoos. “Threats.”
“Are you insinuating I’m unfit to be a parent?” I ask in disbelief. “That you would take my child from me because I’m unmarried? What a hypocrite. You were around just about as much as Mother was.”
“Don’t speak about your mother like that. It is a completely different situation, and you know it.” He lashes out. “Just be mindful of who you spend your time with. You never know how it may impact you. Or…” He glances down at where I have my hands protectively covering my belly. “Those you care about.”