Page 12 of Embers of Love
“I would like to see you again. Last night was… It was amazing.”
Suzanne blushed. It was endearing to see such a mature and clearly accomplished woman act so flustered.
“I…but… I’m sure you’re aware, I am way older than you.”
“I don’t care,” Ember replied.
“I lied on the app about my age. I’m actually 49.”
Ember shrugged. “I lied too. I’m only 28”
“Emma!!! What? Oh god.” Suzanne was more flustered now.
“I don’t care about the age gap,” Ember said again.
She’d been prepared for that. It was obvious Suzanne was beating herself up over their age difference. At the restaurant, she caught Suzanne glancing around furtively while they were eating. She was worried about what people were going to think.
Stuff like that had never bothered Ember. It didn’t matter to her what someone’s age was or what job they did or anything like that. It was simple for Ember. If she liked them, she liked them. And she liked Suzanne.
“Well.” Suzanne finally looked her in the eye. “I would love to see you again.”
Ember’s heart fluttered. Quite an insane development from what was supposed to be a one-night stand. But she was not going to let something so beautiful slip away into nothing but a memory, and constant recurrent what if as she tried to move on from what was lost.
Ember got out of bed, letting the sheets fall off her naked body. A body that Suzanne had appreciated greatly throughout the night. Even now, she felt Suzanne’s green eyes roam up and down her form, the desire clearly evident in her eyes. She walked with her usual swag in the swing of her hips as she approached Suzanne and pulled her into a warm kiss. It was a different kiss from what they shared last night when the heat of passion threatened to consume them. This time it was slower, more intimate.
When she pulled away, she found herself already missing feeling of Suzanne’s lips.
“See you again soon.”
Suzanne smiled warmly. “Soon.”
Ember plopped back down on the soft bed, letting out a heavy sigh. Suzanne had left her with the room to let herself out in her own time. She was happy and sexually sated. A feeling she had forgotten existed until now. Ember found herself smiling into the pillow. Suzanne’s perfume lingered on the material. The scent was floral and intoxicating, with something else layered underneath, bergamot maybe? She could still taste Suzanne on her tongue. Last night hadn’t been merely a dream however surreal it all felt.
She felt a little guilty, using a fake name and lying about her age when she signed up on the dating website. But then, Suzanne had lied about her age too, so maybe it wasn’t a big deal. She resolved not to let that ruin the memory of what they had. When it came to it, she’d reveal her real name to Suzanne and apologize for the deceit. She had a feeling it was going to be a good day.
She went back home to take a shower and got ready for work. She got there a little later than usual, still on time, but Haley beat her to the station today. Ember could see her car in the parking lot.
“Okay, Ember.” She tried to school her expression. “Can’t let everyone know you got laid last night.”
Once she felt she looked normal again, she got out of the car with her duffel bag and made her way to the fire station.
“Sup, Ember, you got that freshly fucked glow on ya,” Kiera said the moment she walked.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ember feigned ignorance, walking past her. She took a few steps then stopped.
“Is it really that obvious?”
“Yup,” Kiera smiled broadly. A triumphant look on her face.
Ember shook her head. How the hell is she so chipper this early in the morning? Zara, just coming off the night shift looked ready to drop where she stood. Ember found her changing in the locker room, her eyes were red with exhaustion and lack of sleep.
“You don’t look so good,” Ember commented, observing her colleague.
Zara smiled at her. “I’m good, just a little tired. Last night was exhausting as hell. We got a call to the same house, twice. Drunk partygoer managed to set her apartment on fire twice in one night. Then a neighborhood transformer blew up, taking out the entire street. It was a giant mess putting out the fire and helping the power crew.”
Ember winced. “Sounds like fun.”
“Oh yeah, it sure was,” Zara replied, indulging her sarcasm. “What about you?”