Page 29 of Embers of Love
“As long as you’re happy,” he said, giving her a warm smile.
Josephine nodded. “Thank you.”
It had been so long since they’d actually enjoyed this much quality time together. They spent the rest of the evening touring Phoenix Ridge. The more they explored, the more Josephine understood why the city was a tourist attraction. Despite what her dad said, Phoenix Ridge was an extremely beautiful city. She could see it in his eyes. He loved it too. They eventually ended their exploration at the beach.
They basked in the golden glow of the sunset standing side by side. The warmth, coupled with the cool breeze blowing on their skin created a uniquely serene atmosphere. This was another thing they didn’t have in New York. The view was almost magical.
“You’re right. It is beautiful.”
Josephine smiled. Coming to Phoenix Ridge was the best decision she had ever made.
“It is.”
“So, you’re going to stay here permanently?”
“I’m considering it,” Josephine replied.
“Are they paying you enough at that hospital to warrant this choice? You know you could earn far more if you work with me.”
Josephine sighed. “I know, Dad. And I’m grateful for the opportunity, but this is where my heart is, at least right now.”
“I understand. Just keep that in mind.” Her father wasn’t going to push her to make the choice. “Think I’ll stick around a while longer.”
Josephine smiled. “It’ll be nice to have you around. You could also use the break.”
“Phoenix Ridge is a tad hotter than I’m used to, but I believe I can adapt.”
When night came, they returned to her father’s hotel. She helped him unpack his luggage before they said their goodbyes. Josephine knew he was going to show up at the hospital, possibly the next morning, with the pretext of familiarizing himself with her workplace. He was mostly going to check to make sure the environment was conducive for her to work in. In many ways, Josephine still felt like a child.
They said their goodbye and she returned to her apartment. She showered, got dressed in her PJs, and got into bed. The next day was going to be a bit busy as she was resuming her duties at the hospital. But she looked forward to it, most especially meeting up with Ember again. The thought of her lover put a smile on her face. It remained as sleep overcame her.
Things sort of settled into a routine. Ember and Josephine played some sort of game where they met regularly and hung out while managing to keep their affair a secret from her mother. Ember hadn’t gotten to meet with Josephine’s father either even though she said her dad knew about their relationship.
She wasn’t allowed to resume work yet, thanks to her mother. She utilized that time to workout and look into getting another car to replace Joan. There was only one problem. She didn’t have the money. Well, there’s nothing for it now. I have to buy a project car and build it myself. It would take a bit more time, but she should be able to finish it in six months or so. Maybe less time if the insurance company actually gave her part of the money she needed.
“Ember! I heard you were in an accident! Are you okay!”
Ember smiled at Mandy. The girl always so full of energy, it was infectious. Her mother was present too, and surprisingly, so was old man Farcy. They all crowded into her living room, bringing way too much food and gifts.
“Guys, this is too much!” Ember was completely flustered. She was completely fine, but people kept showing her such kindness. Even times when she went to the local store, they’d give her groceries for free. The family of the cat she’d saved had also come to pay her a visit.
“We have to come check up on our hero,” Kathy said, smiling at her daughter.
“Well, you saved my life. I’m ashamed I didn’t make time to come see you at the hospital,” Farcy said. The old man was normally quite grumpy. To see him so humble was quite the shock for Ember.
“Not you too,” Ember said. “I just put out the fire.”
“And saved me thousands of dollars in repairs. I’m grateful,” he replied.
He seemed adamant about not letting it be, so Ember decided to change the topic.
“So how are things on the drag strip?”