Page 18 of Ice Cold Hearts
How long could I even keep a secret like that?
There’s only one thing I know for certain. My heart is in serious danger.
“Are you sure you’re okay with keeping her again tonight?” I ask. “This will be the third evening you’ve had to watch her this week, and this time it’s overnight.”
“Will you stop fussing already?” Dad grumbles from the couch. “You act like we’ve never done this before. You turned out great, didn’t you? Besides, you already handled the worst of it. She’s asleep. Doesn’t really matter if I fall asleep to the news on my couch or yours.”
Mom purses her lips. “What your father is trying to say is we’re happy to watch Audrey. You work so hard, Sweetheart, and you hardly ever take any time for yourself. You’re well overdue for some fun. If this night out with your friend becomes a regular thing we’re happy to do an overnight once a week, especially if it leads to your future happiness.”
“Mom, I’m going out for one night, not eloping,” I say, exasperated.
“You know how she is,” Dad chimes in, turning to face us. “I’m sure she’ll be looking up venues and florists tonight. Don’t worry.” He winks. “I’ll keep her distracted.”
“Ew.” I say, making a face.
“Jack, stop it,” Mom scolds at the same time.
She reaches over and squeezes my hand. “Seriously, Sweetheart, Audrey is a wonderful part of our life and yours, but I want more for you than single parenthood. When she grows up and flies off to change the world, I want you to have someone to spend that part of your life with. I know I can go overboard sometimes, but I’m just excited that you’re starting to explore your options.”
Options… you have no idea.
Instead of letting that slip out of my mouth, I just smile, thank her, and scoot upstairs to finish getting ready.
There’s just one problem. My wardrobe is almost completely made up of scrubs and leggings. I had meant to go shopping, but life got in the way like it always did.
I definitely don’t have time to go out now. I rest my head against the closet doorway and growl with frustration.
How could I have been so forgetful?
My phone buzzes. It's Alexei telling me he's on his way. It brings to mind the near nonstop texts I'd been trading with all three of the guys that ran the gamut from playful and flirty to downright explicit. I could barely concentrate on my work this past day and a half, much less any last-minute errands.
There’s no sense fussing over it now. It’s time to make do with what you have, I order myself.
I sigh and dig into the back corners of my closet and pull out any dress-shaped item.
Graduation cap and gown? Laughable.
Dress I wore for my maternity shoot? Absolutely not.
Just as I’m about to give up, my fingers brush against something silky. I eagerly yank it out to get a better look. It’s the backless cocktail dress I wore to the only hospital fundraiser Jenna managed to drag me to. I'd like it better if it weren't white, but that’s probably just some residual anxiety from being around a clumsy toddler all afternoon. Preferred color or not, it's the only choice I have.
I hit a small roadblock with my hair. White dresses immediately make everything more formal, so the semi-intricate updo I'd done before my parents got here has to go.
When I pull all the pins out of my hair and undo the braid, my options for hair narrow down to precisely two. Option one, I leave my hair down in all its semi-triangular, poofy glory, or option two, I throw it up in a haphazard messy bun and pretend that was my plan the whole time.
Since I'm not a model on the runway or a trendsetting haute couture designer, I go with option two.
I smile at my reflection before I leave the bathroom. The bun really helps dress down the white. Between that and my slightly oversized leather jacket, I'll hopefully look more like a nightclub attendee rather than a summer bride.
When I get downstairs, I see that Dad is already deep into his favorite hobby—sleeping through the news. Mom's awake, though, and she does a double take when she sees me.
“You look stunning, Sweetheart. That poor guy isn't going to know what to do with himself.” She nods approvingly.
My phone buzzes again.