Page 109 of Age Gap Academy
Not surprised to see you’re using the money you stole from me entirely for yourself. There’s no way your piss poor cooking got you into the Age Gap Academy… so what else did you have to do to get in? Or should I say who else?
To be fair, you probably could have got in on the sight of your tits alone. Shame you didn’t have those when we were together. I might not have divorced you.
The video hasn't even been out for more than an hour and I’m already getting bombarded with “Isn’t that your ex-wife” and comments about the way you look. Maybe if you’d listened to my mother and dressed less like a tramp, I wouldn’t have to be dealing with you right now.
Stop embarrassing me by flaunting your body like that and eye fucking your teachers on camera. Not only is it humiliating to even be remotely linked to this disgusting display, but it’s also ruining my business ventures.
Take the video down or I’ll have to come there and make you.
- K.L.
My hands go numb. I can no longer hold my phone. It clatters to the ground in what seems to be slow motion.
I can feel my heart pounding in my temples.
My chest is being crushed under a metric ton of terror.
I’m hyperventilating so fast that it’s making my lips tingle.
I’m going to puke.
I’m going to faint.
I can't breathe.
When I open my mouth to try to force myself to take a deeper breath, I gag on air that suddenly feels poisonous.
Then I single handedly ruin our outing by vomiting all over the floor in front of me. The tears that come immediately after are just icing on the humiliation cake.
I feel my mom’s arm around my shoulders as she tries to hold me upright, but all I’m aware of is Leo screaming for me. When I try to get up to comfort him, she pins me to her side and keeps me from moving.
From what feels like miles away, I hear her start managing the situation.
“Jamie, you and Phillip stay with Leo. He doesn’t need all four of you. Don’t give me that face, David. I need you for something else. Wesley, go find someone on the museum’s staff and let them know what happened. David, I need you to go get the car. I’m taking her home.”
“Don’t you think we should all go home?” Jamie asks.
I try to argue, but all I manage to do is start dry heaving again.
“Shh,” she soothes. “Let me take care of this for you.”
That’s all the permission I need to crumple into her and bury my face in her sweater.
“The last thing she needs right now is men in her space. You’re going to finish exploring the museum and take that boy out for some dinner and ice cream when you’re done. Avery won’t want this to be the only thing he remembers from this outing, which is exactly what will happen if you take him home now.”
Everything seems to go quiet almost like everyone is frozen in place.
“David, Wesley, are you waiting for an engraved invitation? Move it,” she snaps.
Time seems to start again except it’s racing along at double speed. Everything comes flying in at once, bombarding my senses. All I can manage to be aware of is a roaring in my ears and blurs of color.
I’m in the entryway to the museum.
Then the car.
When the world finally slows down a little, I’m on the couch in my condo with a cold glass of water shoved in my hand.
I can’t stop shaking.