Page 116 of Age Gap Academy
I don’t necessarily need one for Dimitria, but she caused the problem in the first place so it only seems fair to include her in the fallout.
What I actually tell her when she comes to complain is, “All data is good data, right? I don’t know much about it, but I think it’s important.” Then I look at her with as stupid of an expression as I can muster before she stomps out of the room.
Two weeks ago, I would never have poked that bear, but not keeping a secret from my men has given me a confidence boost. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that every time I stand up for myself, I get a treat.
The first time, they made me come so hard I couldn’t even stand up.
After that, I got to pick out a new piece of furniture for Wesley’s dungeon.
I wonder what I’ll get this time.
I know, I know. I sound like a toddler with a sticker chart, but damn, apparently, that method really works.
I know that the real reason they’re doing this has more to do with distracting me from Kyle’s letters than trying to celebrate my standing up for myself, but it still feels nice.
Today, when I go to the front desk to check in, there’s a flower arrangement on the receptionist’s desk.
Lilies—Calla Lilies, to be specific.
I know from the pit in my stomach and the pinched look on the receptionist's face that they’re for me.
“Hello, Avery,” Kay says with forced calm. “Checking in for culinary with Mr. Brooks?”
“That’s the plan.”
“I’ll send him an alert that you’re here.”
“Thank you.”
I move to sit in the waiting area hoping to avoid having to take the flowers, but she stops me.
“There’s one more thing, I’m afraid. Those are for you.”
I sigh. “I figured they might have been.”
Before I look at the card, I pull out my phone and snap a few pictures of the flowers to add to my binder.
As is the custom with Kyle, there’s no greeting, just a hastily scrawled message.
Who do you think you are, strutting around this campus with your painted on jeans and showing so much cleavage you’re practically topless?
Shouldn’t you be at home taking care of the brat you tried to trap me with instead of trying to fuck your way up the social ladder?
If you actually think you’ll pass the exams and get your certifications, then you’re delusional. You should quit now, go back to being full-time at Brookside, and save what little dignity you have left.
By the way, that green top of yours makes you look jaundiced.
My blood turns to ice.
He’s either having me followed or doing it himself.
Please, please, please let him have hired a P.I. or something.
“Kay, what service dropped off these flowers?”
“The man wasn’t wearing any type of uniform now that I think of it. It was just so busy when he came in that I barely noticed. There were eight students waiting to check in, and he just pushed by and dropped them off and told me they were for you.”