Page 137 of Age Gap Academy
“Morning.” He nods.
“I see you used the guest bathroom,” I say, nodding at the towel around his waist.
“I was going to use this one, but the three of you were still passed out in the bed. I didn’t want to disturb anyone since we got to bed fairly late last night. Is Leo still asleep?”
Avery nods and gestures toward the monitor on the nightstand where a tiny image of Leo is sprawled out in his travel crib.
“Yeah, he’s out and should be for another half hour or so.” She bites her lip. “I guess we should be getting on with it. Once Leo wakes up, it’ll be impossible to have a quiet moment.”
After we manage the herculean effort of waking Phillip (and keeping him that way), Avery disappears into the bathroom to take the test that might turn our worlds upside down.
I never thought I’d be this anxious over someone peeing on a stick, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.
She comes out after a minute looking more nervous than a criminal revisiting the scene of their crime. We jump to our feet at the sight of her.
“Well, what does it say?” I ask.
“It’s going to be five minutes before we know anything, remember?”
“Right. Sorry.”
Phillip and I drop back down on the bed, and Jamie starts pacing around the room. Avery just stands there fidgeting with her hands.
“Are you alright?” I ask.
Her laugh is manic. “Am I alright? Let’s see, my ex-husband is stalking me because I was bullied into doing a video for Age Gap Academy, my boss treats me like I’m shit on his shoe, and my teachers might have gotten me pregnant. That’s right, I said teachers. Plural. Being with just one of them apparently wasn’t enough of a risk. I had to fall for all three of them. Oh, and I forgot the best part. If the academy finds out about it, my boyfriends could lose their jobs and if my ex finds out, he might kill me. So you tell me, Wesley, am I alright?”
“Come here,” I say, patting my lap.
She shuffles over with the same expression on her face as Leo has when he thinks he’s in trouble and perches gingerly on my lap.
I wrap my arms around her, tucking her tightly against my chest.
Jamie stops pacing and settles himself on the empty spot next to me. It’s clear by the look on his face that he’s thinking the same thing I am.
She’s the priority. Our needs don’t matter right now.
“That is a lot for one person to handle on their own,” Phillip says softly.
“It’s too much.” She sniffs.
“But you’re not alone. We’re right here to shoulder the burden with you. Sure, our relationship isn’t exactly conventional, but all that means is that there’s more people around to support you.”
“He’s right, you know,” I say. “You’ve got three of us to protect you from Kyle. We’re going to make sure he never lays a finger on you again. Once you graduate and get your certificates, you can leave that place behind you. Hell, I was ready to hire you on the spot for my catering company after just seeing your video portfolio. You’ll have a place to work if you want it. I guarantee it.”
“As much as I’d like that, I don’t think the other staff would like it if you hired your girlfriend—nepotism and all that, you know?” Avery bites her lip.
“The minute they taste anything you make, they’ll be demanding to know why I didn’t hire you sooner.” I smile.
Jamie puts his hand on her shoulder. “As far as children go, whether that’s right now or a few years from now, you’re not by yourself there, either. Leo and anyone else who comes along is going to have four parents.
“If anything, we’ll be better than regular parents because it won’t just be two people sharing the load—we have double that.”
“Sometimes, I forget that I’m not by myself anymore. You have no idea how much having you here means to me. Thank you.”
“Of course we’re here,” I say. “We love you.”
She sighs, and I can feel her relaxing into me a little more. Unfortunately, it’s only for a second because she tenses right back up again.