Page 144 of Age Gap Academy
“You don’t think I went too far?” I ask, suddenly anxious.
“You took it exactly as far as it needed to go.” She grins. “I haven’t seen you this fiery since freshman year of high school. What’s gotten into you lately?”
Her words immediately send my mind to the little bean growing in my belly.
Mia’s eyes narrow “Why are you doing that with your hand?”
I glance down at my body and see that my hand unconsciously went to rest on my stomach.
“No reason in particular,” I say quickly. “It’s just something I do sometimes.”
“No, Avery, you don’t. The last time I saw you do that, you were?—”
She grabs my arm and starts dragging me back toward her office.
“Mia, I’ve got cakes to decorate. I can’t do whatever this is right now.”
“The cakes can wait. Now come on and stop dragging your feet.”
I’m tugged along so fast the walls seem to blur.
If I know Mia, and I do, she’s not going to rest until she weasels the secret out of me.
As soon as the office door clicks shut, she’s all over me.
“Spill it.”
I try to play dumb. “Spill what?”
“Are you really going to play it this way?” she asks, folding her arms across her chest.
My eyes dart around the room against my will. “Play what? I’m not playing anything.”
“No matter how old you get, I swear you turn right back into an eight-year-old whenever you try to lie to me.”
“You know me far too well.” I pout.
“That’s what happens when you’ve been friends with someone for a little over a decade. You know that I know all your tells, so you grossly overcompensate. It’s why you can’t hide anything from me. So the way I see it, there are really only two outcomes to the hand on the stomach thing. Either standing up to Henri made you so nervous that you’re literally about to shit yourself, or you’re pregnant.”
“You can’t tell anyone,” I plead. “I just found out this morning.”
“I knew it! Before I say anything else, I’m going to need to know how I’m supposed to react. Am I buying baby shoes or do I need to take you to a clinic?”
I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face even if I tried. “Baby shoes.”
Mia squeals and squeezes me so tightly I can barely breathe.
“I’m going to have another little godchild. Oh, I’m so happy for you. There’s so much to do. I have to start making you a baby blanket and all kinds of little baby things. I promise I’m going to knit the booties correctly this time. They’re going to be the right size, and there’s only going to be one hole in them this time. Maybe I’ll even try making one of those sleep sacs that looks like a little animal. We have to go to the craft store this weekend. I need your help picking colors that will complement your nursery.
“Wait.” Her brow furrows. “Are you going to have one nursery or one for each of your houses? You’re going to have to move in with one of them because there’s no way you’re fitting another baby into that condo. They have asked you to move in with them, right? They have more than enough money and space to buy something for all of you or move you into one of their places.
“Don’t give me that look, Avery Marie. I’ve been to a few barbeque nights and know for a fact that Jamie has plenty of space for you there. I swear, if they make you stay in that condo, I’m going to cut off their family jewels and feed it to them.”