Page 36 of Age Gap Academy
“Well, the active members picked. The alumni were just there to donate and get bragging rights if we won.
“There were several events on campus for the active brothers and sisters the week prior, and everything culminated with a massive gala—with an auction, of course.”
“I thought it was all just drinking and wild parties.”
“Well, we had to fill our daylight hours somehow,” he says dryly.
We end up spending another hour just talking. I don’t think either of us realized how late it had gotten until I get a text.
Mom—Little guy finally fell asleep. You okay?
Me—Meeting ran late. Leaving now. Sorry.
Mom—All good. See you soon.
“Everything alright?” Jamie asks.
“Yes. Just my mom checking on me. It’s about an hour after I said I’d be home. She was worried.”
“We went an hour over?” He glances at the window. “How did I not notice how dark it was? Time flies, as they say.”
“It was nice talking to you,” I say, rising from my chair. “I’m looking forward to getting started on the coursework next week. Although if this becomes a habit, I’m going to have to set an alarm on my phone so I can leave on time.”
“Wait. Let me walk you to your car.”
“That’s very sweet, but I’ll be fine.”
“It’s dark. I’m a gentleman. I can either escort you and continue our chat until we get to your car or I can walk five feet behind you in the dark like a creep and maybe get arrested by campus security. It’s your choice.”
“Has anyone told you that you have an incredibly submissive personality?” I ask, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Once or twice,” he says dryly. “Shall we?”
“Only because you’ll follow me if I refuse and I’d hate for you to be arrested before I get my certificate.” I smile.
When we get to my car, he leaves me with a nod and a handshake that sends electricity tingling through my entire body all the way home.
The last thing I want to do is wake Leo up, so I take my shoes off in front of the door and sneak into the condo.
As soon as the lock snicks into place, my mother turns around on the couch to face me. Her face is pinched tight with worry and visions of a sick or injured Leo flood my brain.
I don’t think I’ve ever made it from the door to the couch as fast as I do now.
“What is it?” I whisper earnestly. “Is Leo sick? Did he get hurt? You could have called me and I would have left right away.”
“Honey, no. It’s not that. Leo is in tip-top shape. It’s something else.” She grabs my hand tightly in hers.
“What is it, Mom? You’re scaring me.”
“I wanted you to hear it from me so you weren’t blindsided by it.” She takes a deep breath. “He’s coming back to the States.”