Page 46 of Age Gap Academy
“It does.” I nod. “I still don’t think it should happen again on campus, though.”
“So you’d like it to happen again somewhere else?” Mia asks, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
I bite my lip to try to keep from smiling.
She gasps. “You so do.”
“I didn’t even say anything,”
“Girl, you didn’t have to.”
“It’s not like I’ll have another opportunity to find out,” I say, shaking my head.
“Why not?”
“Well, the next time I came to class, I just felt so awkward and weird about it. He tried to talk to me about what happened, but I wasn’t having it. And I just… Ugh. I was so stiff and formal and definitely more than a little rude to him. I’m pretty sure that effectively killed any spark that might have been there.”
“Well, that’s what the club is for tonight. Not sure we’ll be able to find you a sexy, successful chef, but with me as a wing woman, I’m sure we can find you someone to occupy your time.” Mia winks.
It doesn’t take much longer for us to finish up and get to the club, but I’m still fighting a yawn as we grab a table near the bar. I pull out my phone to check the time, certain that it must be close to midnight. It has to be if I’m this tired already.
Ten o’clock.
A kick in the teeth would have felt better to me than seeing that number.
I must be the only twenty-one-year-old in the world who has the bedtime habits of a ninety-year-old mee-maw.
A waitress is at our table so quickly it's like she appears out of nowhere.
“What can I get you, Ladies?”
“I'll have a Manhattan,” Mia says decisively.
I don't even know what that is. Damn, I really do need to get out more.
“Do you have anything with coffee in it?” I ask hopefully.
“There's the White Russian, Espresso Martini, Mudslide Cocktail… Any of those strike your fancy? I can always just get you a coffee too.”
“I'll go with the Mudslide.” I smile.
The bartenders must really know their stuff because even though the crowd is three deep at the bar, our drinks are there in less than five minutes.
I take a cautious sip.
“I think this might be my new favorite thing.”
“With your coffee addiction, I’m surprised you haven't had one before,” says Mia.
I fidget uncomfortably in my seat.
“My mom took me out to a wine tasting on the day of my twenty-first, but this is my first time in a club. I'd always meant to take you up on your offer to go out, but with Leo and work, I was just too tired. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have come tonight if Mom hadn't bullied me into it.”
“Well, I'm glad she did.” Mia smiles. “I know we can't do it every weekend, but maybe we can make a point of going out once a month or something?”
“Let's see how tonight goes first.”
The cocktail must have done a good job loosening me up because when Mia drags me toward the dance floor, I don't resist.