Page 65 of Age Gap Academy
I turn to my mother. “What’s going on?”
“I have no idea. He was fine before you got here.” She shrugs.
“What is it, Little Bug?”
He points aggressively at my bare legs. “No fair.”
Of course that’s the first thing he noticed.
His little face gets redder and redder. Pancake pieces start flying.
“No fair. No fair. No fair,” he howls.
Mom shoots me a quizzical look.
“Leo has recently decided that the best way to be outside is to be stark naked from the waist down.” I groan. “It has been an absolute fight keeping his clothes on outside.”
“I see.”
She catches my arm as I turn back to manage Leo. “I’ve got this. Why don’t you go shower and get changed? You smell like a nightclub.”
“I owe you big time.”
“How about a lunch date?”
When I pull out my phone to put on some music for my shower, there’s a text from Wesley.
It had seemed like a good idea to give him my number last night, but now I’m seriously regretting it.
Might as well just get it over with.
Wesley—They just told me what happened and what you might have overheard. I’m so sorry things happened that way. Can we come over tonight and talk this through? Please, I don’t want things to end like this.
Ihad expected to come home to an empty house. So when I stumble in the door in the middle of the afternoon stinking of meat, Jamie and Phillip are the last thing I expect to see.
The air conditioning is running, but that’s not the cause of the twenty degree temperature drop in the room.
If hell was cold, this is exactly what it would feel like.
Why do they look so pissed? It’s not like we had any… Oh.
I can't believe I was such a jerk. Phillip’s been looking forward to this event for months and I didn’t even give him the courtesy of telling him something had come up.
The worst thing about it is that I’d taken the time to write Avery a note. There’s no reason I couldn’t have sent a message to our group chat.
I hope they didn’t miss it on my account.
“I’m sorry I missed the chess tournament. There was a work emergency, but that’s no excuse for not texting.”
They stay so silent, the ticking of my wall clock feels deafening.
It’s unnerving.