Page 80 of Age Gap Academy
These past few weeks have been so good.
Too good, even.
My ex and I are still on the same continent, but he hasn’t tried to contact me at all yet. Madge says he’s in Vegas, but that’s still far enough away that I’m only nervous instead of in full-blown panic mode.
I’ve struck a good balance between my personal and professional lives. I spend enough time at work to get the bills paid, am ahead in my classes, and get to spend a solid amount of quality time with both Leo and my men.
The fact that they’re my teachers definitely helps that balance, but that’s neither here nor there.
They’ve even started coming over before Leo’s bedtime to spend time with the both of us. Things are strictly platonic in front of my son, of course.
Leo’s even started asking me if they could come over to play with him more.
Just thinking about the way they interact with him boosts my confidence as a parent.
It’s not that they’re bad men. I wouldn’t be with them if they were—been there, done that already. Even if it’s just temporary, it’s nice to see Leo be exposed to more examples of healthy masculinity than just my father.
It’s more that it takes three of them to accomplish what I can easily do myself.
Two nights ago at dinner, they decided to help me by getting Leo into his high chair. They barely managed it. Wesley scooped him up but couldn’t buckle him in with how much Leo was wiggling, so Jamie came over to click the little belt over his lap.
Neither of them were able to snap the tray back in place, so Phillip had to jump in and help. By that point, I was laughing so hard I nearly let the food burn.
Last week was even better, though. Leo insisted they be the ones to read him the bedtime stories.
I tried to warn them that he tries to stall going to bed, but they “knew what they were doing”, so I backed off.
That little booger suckered them into reading him nine books instead of three.
“Why didn’t you stop us?” Phillip demands.
“I tried to warn you, but you said you had a degree in understanding the brain and were an expert.” I glance over at Jamie. “And I think you said something like, how much trouble could a two-year-old really be?” I shift my gaze to Wesley. “That leaves me with Mr. ‘I manage a staff of over fifty if you include servers, so one little boy won’t be any trouble.’ Honestly, yours was my favorite of the three.”
I cover my mouth so I don’t wake Leo up with my laughter.
“I think she’s earned herself a spanking with all that sass, don’t you agree, Gentlemen?” he asks.
“I think one for every extra book she let us read will be more than sufficient.” Jamie says cooly.
I look at Phillip, but he just says, “Don’t even try it. I would have doubled that number. You’re getting off easy with just six.”
My stomach collides roughly with the handles of the stroller.
Damn, that hurts.
I was so distracted by the memory of that night that I just ran my stroller into a trash can.
At least it’s empty.
The moment Leo saw my father at the zoo entrance, he’d insisted on being carried around on his Opa’s shoulders. At first, I’d been annoyed because I’d finally gotten him to sit still in it, but now I’m grateful he wasn’t a victim to my distraction.
A lot of people are giving me weird looks as they pass me, and I’m starting to feel exposed.
I look down at my chest anxiously since that's where most people are looking.
Apparently, my collision with the handles managed to yank my shirt down by a significant amount.
Not only am I showing the entire zoo way too much cleavage for a family outing, but they're also getting to see half of my bra, and it's not even a cute one.