Page 85 of Age Gap Academy
“Inever knew that color psychology was a marketing strategy. That's absolutely wild.”
“It's true. That's part of the reason packaging is so important. Different colors can send messages about your brand. For example, purple evokes the idea of luxury and creativity.”
“So if I rebrand with purple, I'd be more likely to have people think my creations are luxurious?”
“That’s a bit of an oversimplification. It varies by culture and even person to person. However, there have been studies that show the general associations that people have with certain colors. No, it won't automatically make your brand immediately luxurious. You still have to put work into it, but using purple in your color scheme can be part of how you establish that reputation for yourself.”
“I'm not sure I completely understand, but I'm starting to get it.”
That smile of hers is going to be the death of me.
We agreed nothing on campus, remember?
“There's a book on my shelf that might help you understand it better. Why don't you take it home, read what you can, and we can have a discussion on it as part of our lesson next week?”
“Where is it, exactly?”
“Third shelf from the bottom. Author's last name is Nguyen.”
I thought sending her across the room from me would help me control myself until I got to her place later tonight—our usual routine on nights we had class together.
When she reaches for the book, I realize how flawed my plan was.
She doesn't crouch down to get it like she normally would.
Of course not. That would be fair.
Instead, she bends at the waist, pushing her ass out toward me. Her skirt is short enough that I can see she's completely bare underneath it.
“You're bound and determined to drive me mad tonight, aren't you?”
“I have no idea what you mean. All I'm doing is looking for the book you've assigned me for homework. It's not my fault your shelves are so poorly organized that I haven't found it yet.”
I join her at the bookshelf so we won’t be overheard by anyone who might still be in the building.
“You know exactly what you’re doing and you’re enjoying it.”
Avery straightens and leans into me. “I’m just giving you something to look forward to this evening.”
Keep it together, Phillip. You’ll have plenty of time tonight once Leo’s in bed.
“Do you know what I find most appealing about you?”
“The way your eyes sparkle when you figure things out. I swear it makes sapphires look dull. Don’t get me wrong, your body is gorgeous, but your mind is exceptional.”
Before I can register what’s going on, she’s grabbing me by the lapel of my shirt and pulling me to her. The feel of her soft curves pressed against my body makes my brain short circuit.
She hooks her leg around my waist as my hand slides down to grip her ass. The feel of her pussy rubbing against my dick has me grinding harder against her.
This isn’t even close to enough. I drop to my knees before her and push her skirt up around her hips. Her legs shake as I press teasing kisses everywhere except where she needs me to.
I chuckle at her growl of frustration and pull back to meet her eyes.