Page 88 of Age Gap Academy
You almost did.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Dimitria?”
“Well, I was actually hoping to talk to the both of you.”
My eyebrows hit my hairline in surprise.
“Avery, can you come have a seat when you’re done? The Academy PR maven would like to speak to us.”
Dimitria smiles at the compliment, but I’d intended it as more of a way to warn Avery who she was.
“Of course. I actually think I’ve found it. This is it, right?” she asks anxiously.
“Yes.” I nod, settling into my teacher voice. “This is the one. I want you to read at least the first four chapters on color psychology so we can discuss it.”
I slide the book across the desk to her.
I turn to Dimitria, who has been watching the entire conversation with a gleam in her eye that makes me nervous.
“What can we do for you?” I ask with forced politeness.
“As I’m sure you’re well aware, next week will be the halfway point for this session and that’s when we start ramping up our marketing for the next one.”
Almost eight weeks already?
I guess it’s true what Einstein says about relativity—time with a beautiful woman does seem to go faster.
“I don’t mean to seem rude, but I’m not sure what that has to do with us.”
“Well, you’ve got the admin all abuzz—actually, all four of you do,” she says.
All I can do is stare at her with my mouth open like a guppy.
“You, Wesley, Jamie, and Avery, of course,” she adds at my puzzled look.
Worry flashes across Avery’s face.
“Nothing bad, I hope?”
Dimitria laughs. “Of course not. As admin was reviewing the course progress software, they noticed that Avery was blasting through the material in all her classes. That’s unusual for anyone, but for a scholarship student, it’s practically unheard of.”
Avery deflates at the backhanded comment, but Dimitria doesn’t seem to notice.
A muscle in my jaw starts to tic.
“So of course, we had to look at the portfolios to see what was going on, and they were thrilled to see the high-quality submissions in each of the course portfolios.” She turns toward Avery. “You write so well, I never would have thought you hadn’t been to a prep school if I hadn’t known already.”
Avery looks ready to bite her.
“Thank you,” she says flatly.
“You’re most welcome.”
For someone so good at branding, Dimitria has zero situational awareness.
“When Reginald suggested you all as the best candidates for our new promo video, I was surprised. I thought for sure he would have suggested the senator’s son.”
Gee, I wonder why he wasn’t asked…