Page 133 of Hockey Wife
I have a favor to ask. It’s for Debbie Draven, Jim Dixon’s daughter.
Three dots appeared, then vanished. Her phone rang.
“Are you okay?”
She swiped at a tear. He thought he knew her so well.
“How’s Jim’s family doing?”
“It’s a tough day. They got your flowers.”
“The org never forgets a true fan.”
She knew it was him, but she didn’t push it. “Debbie said you offered playoff tickets to Jim last week. Would you still have them? I think she’d like to attend, but she won’t ask.”
“Of course. I’ll have the ticketing office call her to confirm.”
She smiled. “That’s good of you. I thought you might have set them aside for your family.”
“I told them to stay home. If I’m not playing, there’s not much point.”
He sounded so down that her heart broke for him. “I’m sorry you’re missing the series. How are you holding up?”
“Oh, fine.”
“Now who’s the liar?”
His chuckle was knowing, and she thanked the gods that, at least they had this, a little spark that might one day morph into friendship.
“Any chance you’d let me apologize?” He sounded gruff, but contrite.
“You’re allowed to have a bad day.”
“Georgia, that does not mean I get to use you as my punch bag. That wasn’t fair.”
No, it wasn’t. But she’d forgiven him before she walked out the door.
“We’re good, Dylan. Honestly.”
“Good enough to meet up and talk?”
She bit her lip. She’d love nothing more than to see him again, be his support through this tough time. It was a role she was used to. Caregiver, people-pleaser, background artist.
But that didn’t have to be her function. While she never considered herself second best when it came to her marriage with Banks, neither did she want to use him as a crutch while she figured out next steps. He deserved better than that.
“I don’t think it’s such a good idea. We always said it was time-limited.”
“What will your parents think?”
She sighed. “They’ll be disappointed. But I need to stand on my own two feet, tell them what I want. Who I want to be, separate from Dani. You helped me see that and I’m so grateful. You helped me much more than I helped you?—”
“Peaches, that’s not true. You were always there for me, the person I could talk to about anything. That’s it, isn’t it? I’ve been a selfish asshole, making it all about me.”