Page 45 of Club Blood
“On what grounds?”
“On the grounds that one of the blood suckers that works for you killed someone last week.”
“Two someone’s actually,” I said sadly. As if human police cared about the death of Nathaniel Tusker.
“I don’t see how this is the time to joke,” the woman said with strict disapproval.
“Oh no,” my hand rumbled again, but I ignored it. “I’m not joking. Wade was a menace to society. I’m deeply ashamed he was brought into my home. He made a fool out of me and my club, and I’m happy he no longer works for me.”
“Dead, you mean. You’re glad he’s dead.”
“Well,officers, since you put it so eloquently, yes. I’m happy he no longer poses a threat to my patrons.”
“Ambrosiawon’t be giving us any more trouble, will it?” the man asked, and I rolled my eyes in return.
“Nosir.” As if he didn’t know who I was, or what I could do to him. “I promise I won’t have any trouble that I can’t handle.”
Seeming satisfied, or at least so over being here that they couldn’t stand to look at me any longer, they both nodded in satisfaction before grabbing hold of their radio.
“Bloodsucker’s palace is cleared,” the woman said, smirking in my direction. I could have laughed, they weren’t wrong. I tipped my head forward in dismissal.
“If that’s all…” I wavered.
Both officers nodded and turned on their heels, walking with purpose towards their car. My mouth moved into a fine lined grimace, and I was eager to return to Cecelia to get her home. There was much I needed to discuss with my crew, and she was safest from within the estate.
My power move was quick to backfire on me.
As I approached the door, my ears caught something that sounded like a scream. My hand brushed against the door, and I quickly pulled the handle and enteredAmbrosia.
The music assaulted my ears, but it still wasn’t loud enough to cover the scream. My head snapped to attention, my eyes looking around frantically for Cecelia, for Warren, even Narcissa, who I’d seen earlier. I couldn’t find any of them.
If anyone hurt what was mine, they were going to fucking die.
I would kill every last one of them.
My head poundedas I sat at the bar, swaying on one of the barstools. I had drank too much and allowed myself to become intoxicated by more than just alcohol, though I wouldn’t say I regretted any of it. Being out with Mercy, remembering what it was like to be afforded some sort of freedom, well… It was wonderful. And after what we did on Mercy’s throne, I was too pleased with myself to be embarrassed.
What set me on edge was Mercy having to leave me alone. She had looked worried, which wasn’t something I was used to, so I felt like I couldn’t protest. The sheepish baby bloodsucker behind the bar was sweet to look after me, trying to make conversation when he could to distract me from the fact I could easily be a meal for his kind.
“Are you Mercy’s… friend?”
“I’m her something,” I said with a laugh, earning a nervous smile.
Holding out his hand, I leaned over to shake it. “My name’s Sam. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Cecelia.”
I blushed and inclined my head. “It’s nice to meet you too, Sam. Please don’t kill anyone so that Mercy can keep you – I think we’d be friends!”
Sam chuckled as he moved away, being flagged over by an angry-looking patron in apparent desperate need for something to drink.
Leaning back against the bar, I let the pulse of the music wash over me. My eyes were droopy, tiredness fighting against the excitement I had felt when Mercy was close. I hated how much I despised it whenever Mercy wasn’t beside me, but I also wasn’t ready to unpack that clusterfuck of emotions. For now, it was just fun—and maybe a little bit of Stockholm’s.
“You look delicious,” a voice whispered in my ear, sending unpleasant shivers down my spine.
I opened my eyes and turned to find the voice. A wiry little man with bright eyes and crooked teeth was leering at me, his fangs rubbing against his lower lip as he eyed me.