Page 12 of Promise Me Never
“That’s why I’m irritated. You shouldn’t be running around.” He sits back, resting an arm on the open window. “Actually, why don’t you tell me what you need and I’ll pick it up for you?”
“No.” I buckle the seatbelt around myself. “I’ll be good.”
“Somehow I don’t believe you.”
“I promise to follow all your rules, Daddy, if you just please take me with you.” I make sure to infuse my voice with as much sugary sweet sarcasm as possible. It’s truly irritating how bossy he is for someone who just met me.
After a minute-long standoff, he finally scoffs, and the truck rumbles to life. I settle back into the seat and turn my face into the sun. He turns on some music and thank fuck he has good taste. Hozier’s sexy rasp floats over the wind from the open windows.
After a few minutes I feel myself drifting off. There’s only a vague ache in my temple beneath the stitches, nothing I can’t sleep through. Falling and staying asleep has never been a problem for me.
At some point during the drive, I’m partially roused from my nap when I feel two fingers on the inside of my wrist, like someone is checking for a pulse. I pull my arm into my lap and dismiss it as a weird dream. I instantly settle back into my slumber.
“Eli.” A deep voice says my name softly as a calloused hand squeezes above my knee. “Eliana.”
“Hmm?” My eyes are still heavy as I answer.
“We’re here.”
I blink my eyes open and find his piercing blues locked on mine. Instead of the cold, grumpy look I’m used to seeing on his face, he’s relaxed. His sharp jaw isn’t clenched, his eyes aren’t pinched in annoyance. Maybe it’s good that his default setting is grumpy ass because I’d have a hopeless crush on him if he always looked at me like this.
My eyes fall to the ring on his left hand, and it’s like a cold splash of water over my head. I couldn’t have a crush on him anyway because he’s taken. Married. Unavailable. That does beg the question why he is running errands for Gramps, though.
“Why are you running errands for Gramps on a Saturday?”
That did it. Grumpy mask back on.
“Ranching is a twenty-four seven job.” He pushes his door open and gets out.
“I mean, yeah, but only if you own the ranch.”
“I manage it.”
“That’s not really an answer, though. You clearly have a family.” I point at his ring.
“Come on. I have shit to do.” He strides ahead of me and into the supply store we pulled up in front of. “Stay close so I can keep an eye on you.”
“I’m not a child,” I murmur as I follow him inside.
He grabs a flatbed cart and starts striding toward the back of the store. I couldn’t keep up with his long legs if I wanted to, so I take my time. The store has so much random stuff I keep getting sidetracked. By the time I catch up with him, he’s got spools of barbed wire and a few tools loaded up.
An incubator at the back of the store catches my eye, and I beeline for it. I’ve always loved animals, much to my parents’ irritation. If they would have let me have a pet, it would have been a rock. It’s part of why I’ve always loved the ranch. Always being surrounded by animals makes me so happy.
I’m expecting to see baby chicks, but instead there’s a pen full of puppies. Eight tiny, wiggly bodies play around together in cedar chips. I can’t tell what breed they are by looking. There’s no sign saying not to pick them up, so I reach in and grab the smallest one of the litter. A little tan and black female with a white patch on her head and two socks on her front paws.
My heart is mush as soon as she nuzzles into my arms. I flag down a worker I see an aisle away.
“Are these puppies for sale?”
“No, they’re free actually. The store manager found the mama on the side of the road a couple days before she gave birth. They’ve been weaned, but if you adopt one, you’ll have to take care of shots and getting ‘em fixed.” He points at the one in my arms. “That’s the runt, I wouldn’t take her.”
I hold her closer and turn away from him. Jackass. “Do you know what breed they are?”
“Just a bunch of mutts.” He shrugs and walks off.
I look down into her big brown eyes as her tail thumps slowly against my side. Her fur is so soft and dense. Her little snout and wet nose press against my cheek, and I know she’s going home with me. There’s no other way around it.
Luke does a double take when he sees me, and his eyes widened slightly. “What are you doing with that?”