Page 46 of Promise Me Never
What can I say? I’m fucking your brother and promised him to not catch feelings, so I can’t go? No, that’ll go over even worse than showing up.
“If you’re worried about dealing with the grump, he doesn’t show half the time anyway.”
That statement lifts the weight off my shoulders. “Alright, I’ll be there.”
She throws her arms around me, hugging me across the table. “Linda is the best cook this town has ever seen. You’re in for a treat.” She glances at the clock on the wall and gathers her things. “I have to go, but I’ll call you later this week. Bye!”
I watch her go feeling slightly bamboozled by the past fifteen minutes but happy enough to feel the pit of dread that usually accompanies seeing my mom’s name pop up on the screen of my phone. I open up the text thread, not knowing what to expect.
What’s this I hear about you adopting a dog?
Amber and I will be in an apartment
We’ve already found four different options, I actually just turned in rental applications
That’s too much responsibility. You won’t be able to focus on school if you’re taking a dog out every few hours.
A lot of people have pets in college, it’ll be fine
Get rid of it or I will. Your housing or the dog?
My phone falls to the table as I sit in shock. How fucking unreasonable. I earned my scholarship, so they don’t have to worry about paying a single thing for that. I have followed every rule they gave me. I have gone above and beyond trying to please them. This is what I get from them? To rip away the dog I rescued.
Fuck that.
I’ll get a job. I’ll get multiple jobs. Whatever it takes to keep my dog and get the hell away from those two.
Part of me wants to call my dad and ask him if he agrees, but I already know. It’s their prerogative to put a united front on everything, so Mom leads and Dad follows.
I pack up my computer and clear my dishes as I fight back angry tears. They fall heavy and fast as soon as I close my car door. It’s like my parents don’t want me to experience any type of love or joy. Not from them and not from anyone else.
* * *
As soon as I pull into the driveway, Charlie comes running, her huge paws making her gait look awkward and clumsy. Part of me hopes she never grows into them, so she stays like this, but she’s already put on ten pounds since I adopted her. I drop right onto the gravel with her and collapse into tears again. Her distressed whimpers at seeing me so sad only make me cry harder.
I don’t know how long I sit there, jagged rocks digging into my legs and ass when I hear Luke’s unmistakable footsteps rounding the corner. As soon as he sees me, concern consumes his expression. He drops to a crouch beside me and wraps his calloused hand around my thigh.
“Hey, hey.” His other hand cups my cheek and wipes the tears. “What’s wrong?”
All of a sudden, I feel too vulnerable. My chest tightens, and the urge to run away kicks in. I push to my feet. “It’s nothing important. Charlie, come,” I say as I pat my hip and start walking quickly away.
I barely make it through the garage and into the mudroom when I feel him at my back. His arms band around my body, firmly but gently. He presses us against the wall, completely trapping me from getting away.
“Is this about last night? Are you crying because I hurt you somehow or you’re regretting it?” I can feel his heartbeat racing against my back.
“No.” I turn in the cage of his arms feeling terrible. “God, no. Not even a little bit.” He lets me move my arms so I can hug him back.
“Thank fuck.” He stoops down to rest his forehead on the top of my head. “Had me scared, Sunbeam.”
“I’m sorry. I was just flustered from you finding me like that.” I swipe more tears away. “I’m not used to people seeing me cry. Now you’ve seen me cry twice, which is more than most.”
“So why the tears today?” He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear.
“I stupidly texted my mom this morning because I haven’t heard from her or Dad for about a week. She took the opportunity to tell me if I wanted to keep Charlie, they weren’t going to be covering housing.” I step out of his arms and toe my shoes off. “And I can get a job, I’m not worried about them cutting me off financially, I just don’t understand why they’re so against me ever feeling the least bit loved.”
“Because they’re assholes.” He pulls me back to him and kisses my forehead.
“You don’t even know them.” I laugh humorlessly because he’s right.