Page 56 of Promise Me Never
Then she begins to move, and I lose all logical thought. First, she rocks on top of me, grinding her clit over my base. Then she experiments with lifting her hips and pushing back down. It’s the best kind of torture, watching her learn what she likes and then her attention to pleasing me. Within minutes she’s coming again, and I’m barely holding on. As she loses herself to her pleasure, I reach down and grip her hips, pounding myself up into her until I’m spilling inside her.
After that time in the kitchen, condoms have become a thing of the past. Neither of us is worried about pregnancy or STIs considering she’s regimented about taking her birth control and neither of us sleeps around. Maybe it’s reckless of us, but the thought of wearing a condom now sounds so unappealing.
She collapses on top of me, my cock still inside her. I can’t move either, so I just lay there, my arms on her ass, and her hair curtaining us on either side. This is the most peace I’ve felt in so long, I’m terrified to let go because every morning I wake up with her in my arms is another morning closer to being forced to let her go.
* * *
As soon as my grandparents got back in town, Luke had to leave for a couple nights to haul cattle to a sale with Colt in Kansas. I’ve missed him more than is wise, but the week we spent together plays through my mind nearly every waking moment. The good news is that I’ve been able to throw myself into working alongside Grandpa during the day and hanging out with Grandma in the evenings.
It feels so good to be here with them that I almost considered shifting my eighteen-month plan to graduate out to two years, so I can spend next summer here. When I brought this up to my grandma, she was supportive but also said the ranch would always be here and to do what makes the most sense logistically.
I didn’t miss the look she shared with Grandpa when they caught me filling out another round of scholarship applications. I had no choice but to tell them what was going on. Grandpa must have called Dad because I got a text message telling me to refrain from sharing our family business with my grandparents.
I didn’t even respond to them. At this point the damage inflicted by their behavior is nearly irreparable. Part of me wants to block them and live in peace.
Last night Janey texted to remind me of her invite to Sunday dinner with Linda. She told me she needed girl time, and since Luke is out of town, I decided to take her up on it. If he was going to come, I wouldn’t have intruded. As much as I’ve come to rely on his company, I know I have to tread lightly. I made the mistake of mentioning Amy once and watched him completely shut down.
I quickly learned when it comes to his family and background, there are firm, impenetrable boundaries. He doesn’t seem to extend the same to me though, always prodding for my thoughts and wanting to know what’s going through my mind. Maybe he just wants to make sure I’m not romanticizing our arrangement?
He’s a puzzle I can’t figure out. Unfortunately for me, it only makes me want to look closer and dig deeper. Maybe I’ll get some insight today.
I have to park my car down the street because the house across from Janey is having a baby shower. It’s okay, though, because the weather is perfect. There’s nothing like summer in the mountains, hot days and cool nights. It’s perfect.
Linda gets to the door first as I stand on the covered porch. “Hello, sweetie.” She opens her arms wide, enveloping me in a hug. Her salt and pepper hair is trimmed short but long enough for her natural curls to form. From what I understand she’s nearing sixty, but her deep brown skin doesn’t show a single sign of aging. The only wrinkles on her face are the laugh lines near her eyes.
“Hi, Linda.” I lean back but keep my arms around her in a half hug. “I have to know your skin care routine.”
“Easy, lots of water, sunscreen, and never getting married.”
“I hear that,” Janey yells from the kitchen. “Fuck men.”
We both chuckle as I follow Linda back into the kitchen.
“I take it the date didn’t go well?” I ask, leaning against the counter.
“Nothing about the past couple of days did.” She slides a dish into the oven and closes it. “Maybe I’ll feel like talking about it later.”
“How’s your head been?” Linda asks, skillfully changing the subject.
“It’s totally fine now. Good as new.”
“Did Luke work you to the bone?” Janey asks while she pours us some lemonade.
“You have no idea.” I accept the glass and take a sip. The sweet is perfectly balanced with the tangy sour kick of the lemons. “This is delicious.”
“Thanks.” Janey smiles wistfully. “It was my mom’s recipe.”
Linda reaches over and squeezes her shoulder. “You make it just as good as she did.”
I almost feel like an intruder watching their familial moment. Like I should excuse myself. But then they both turn to me.
“Mom left us photo albums full of pictures and recipes on certain pages to add to the memories. Follow me.”
She leads me through the dining room and into the living room. Shelf after shelf of a bookcase to the left of the fireplace holds what looks to be photo albums.