Page 15 of Wicked Devotions
“There’s no way that’s healthy.”
“Probably not, but it doesn’t slow me down on the pitch.” He tosses the can into the recycling bin and grabs his bag. “You ready to go?”
He leads me out to his Range Rover and opens the passenger door for me, waiting to close it untilI’m inside.Guess those cotillion classes did stick.I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from giggling at my thoughts. I don’t want to risk upsetting him.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” I buckle my seatbelt. “What classes do you have today?”
“Business admin and microeconomics.” He backs out of the driveway. “You?”
“An English class and biology lecture.”
“If you need help with bio, ask Emerson. He’s a beast in all the sciences.”
“Thank you.”
Biology is probably the only class I won’t need help with this semester. I’ve always had a knack for science classes, and working with animals has always been a dream. When I was looking through the online course catalog, I saw that Trinity has a veterinary college. In my wildest dreams I would become an equine veterinarian.
Of course, that line of thought always leads me to thinking about Annie. The person who bought her at auction wasn’t publicly named, so I have no idea where she is. I hope whoever has her is treating her well.
Familiar sadness settles over my shoulders like a cloak. Declan navigates the streets, congested withstudent traffic, like he owns the road. Maybe he does. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cillian didn’t have to make a huge donation to the university to get me admitted at the last minute like he did.
He pulls into a three-story parking garage, taking a spot on the first level. When I walk around to his side he tosses me the keys. I barely catch them and look at him with raised brows.
“You’ll have to drive yourself home because I have practice.” He grabs his soccer duffel out of the car. “I’ll ride home with Emerson.”
“Oh.” I look at the expensive SUV a little worried that I won’t be able to handle such a big vehicle. “Okay.”
“The address to the house is programmed in, so all you have to do is hit home on the nav screen.” He smirks as he looks at me. “You look nervous.”
“I am a bit. I’ve never driven anything this big.”
“You’ll be fine.” He dismisses my inexperience like it’s nothing.
I swallow a lump in my throat as tears swim in my eyes. Thankfully he’s a step ahead of me and can’t see the emotions I’m sure are clear as day on my face. It’s jarring to have someone just believe in my ability to do something. Driving is simple, but my dad rarely let me drive anywhere. Either hedrove me, Banks did, or he’d send me wherever I needed to go in a car service.
Now here’s this guy who barely knows me, trusting me with one of his expensive toys. He says hello to several people we pass on the sidewalk, including some girls who giggle as we walk past. Their reaction to him isn’t surprising, but I hadn’t thought about him or the other guys having girls over to the house.
Oh well, I can just stay in my room if that happens. Or maybe I can find a way to make the drive to see Banks if I know they’ll be entertaining on the weekend. That would probably be better all around, anyway. The less I intrude the better.
“Your class is in this building.” He stops in front of a white stone building with huge columns along the length of the front.
“How did you know where my class is?”
“I downloaded your schedule.” He points across the quad to a bigger building. “That’s where all the science classes are. The library is to the left, and the student union is just behind it. You can get lunch there and charge it on your student ID.”
Before I can even respond, he’s taking off back the way we came from. Did he go out of his way to walk me to class? I can’t find my footingwith these guys. Sometimes they’re rude, sometimes they’re sarcastic, but then they go out of their way to be nice. I can’t make sense of it.
“Was that Declan Ambrose?” A girl with short blonde hair asks me.
“Did he walk you to class?”
“Yes, he’s my new stepbrother.” I don’t know why I throw the ‘new’ in there. “He was just being nice since it’s my first day.”
“Oh, wow. Lucky you to marry into that family.” She holds a hand out. “I’m Emilia.”