Page 23 of Wicked Devotions
He nods. “You could say that.”
“Why? What did my dad do to you?”
He’s just about to answer when a group of rowdy guys walks into the clearing calling out his name. His shoulders drop as he looks over and sighs. I watch as he transforms in front of me from the broody man I know to a lit up typical college boy.
“Remember what we said about staying close,” he says before walking out to greet the newcomers.
I spend the next couple of hours keeping to the outskirts of the party observing everyone around me. With each passing hour, it becomes more and more debaucherous. The deep bass of the music fills the still air as people dance amongst the ruins of the church.
Two girls have their arms wrapped around each other, their lips are joined in a deep kiss. I should look away, but I’m mesmerized as one of themgrinds against the other’s thigh. They don’t notice a single person around them, they’re so lost in each other. It’s intoxicating.
I want that.
I want to feel my body light up against someone else.
“That’s my sister you’re staring at,” Emerson says from behind me.
“I’m sorry.” My cheeks flame at getting caught watching.
“Don’t worry, they don’t mind voyeurs. Although I wish they did because I don’t want to see that.” He rests his hand on my waist. “Saylor, come meet my new roommate.”
The girls break apart begrudgingly, one of them with light brown hair cascading down her back looks at Emerson with identical hazel eyes.
“Harper, this is my sister, Saylor, and her girlfriend, Lou.”
“So you’re the girl with the unfortunate luck of being stuck living with the terror trio,” Saylor says. “My deepest condolences.” She says it with a warm smile though as she gives Emerson a hug while Lou shakes my hand.
“I’ve lived with worse.” The words fall from my lips unfilteredand carelessly.
She gives me a strange look, pity maybe, before replying. “I’m sure you have.”
Emerson hands me a red cup full of a dark liquid. I look up at him as I take it. “What is it?”
“Just a soda.” He leans down and whispers in my ear. “I noticed you haven’t touched any of the drinks and wanted to make sure you knew you were safe with this one.”
“And I wouldn’t be if I took one from the table or from anyone else?”
“Not worth the risk.”
Lou pulls a silver flask from her pocket. “We always bring our own.”
I have so many questions. If they even think it’s a possibility, why do they let it happen? Why are they friends with shady people? They’re so obsessed with keeping me safe but don’t care about the other girls at the party? It doesn’t make any sense.
“Come dance with us,” Saylor says, reaching for my hand and pulling me away from Emerson.
“I’m not that great at dancing.” I try to refuse but take a tiny step toward her and Lou.
“It’s not hard, you just listen to your body and feel the music.”
It’s tempting. Ten minutes ago I was watching them and wishing I could experience even thetiniest bit of that kind of freedom. But I still hear my father’s voice in the back of my mind urging me to stay on the godly path and away from temptation.
“Don’t worry, we’ll keep it PG with you,” Lou grabs my drink and hands it back to Emerson before helping Saylor pull me onto the makeshift dance floor.
I guess the guys aren’t too worried about me while I’m with them because I watch as he disappears in the crowd leaving me behind. Saylor and Lou put me at ease immediately, each of them dancing between me and any guys who wander too close. It doesn’t take me long to relax into the music and let go.
By the time Declan comes to get me, I’ve lost track of everything around me. Dancing has put me into a completely different headspace. I’m happy. I’m free. I don’t want it to end, but I give Saylor and Lou hugs goodbye and trade numbers, happy to have even more fledgling friendships to look forward to.