Page 6 of Wicked Devotions
“Are you okay?” Declan’s voice pulls me from the memory.
I force my lips upwards, giving him the fake smile I’ve perfected over the years. “Just zoning out.”
“Right.” He looks me up and down suspiciously. “Bathroom’s all yours.”
I make sure to flip the locks on both doors, so he doesn’t accidentally walk in on me like I did him. The bathroom is still steamy and smells like his expensive bath products. After pinning my hair up out of the way, I step under the hot spray.
Mom thought of everything, making sure I had everything I used to use. It lends a soothing familiarity to a new and jarring reality. I lose myself to the comfort of habit as I work through my self-care routine. By the time I dry off and pull my swimsuitand coverup on, I hear Banks pulling up in his Challenger.
I’ve never understood the allure of cars. If it has four wheels and a stereo, I’m good to go. But the Challenger was a gift from his grandpa when he turned sixteen. He passed away months later, so Banks has a deep emotional connection to the vehicle. At least I always know when he arrives from the loud engine.
I run down the steps and fling open the door, jumping into his arms even though I just saw him last night. He smiles against my lips when I kiss him but doesn’t grant me entry. The pang of rejection ricochets through my chest, but I do my best to brush it off.
We’re in a new place in our relationship. Before, my dad had very strict rules about dating for me. I was never allowed to be alone with Banks, so nothing beyond chaste kisses ever took place between us. But I’ve wanted more for so long.
I thought he’d be champing at the bit for more, too, but instead he seems even more hesitant. His parents are churchgoers but not particularly pious. I never got the feeling that they were even half as strict as my family. Maybe he’s just trying to adjust the same as me.
“Hi.” He presses a kiss to my forehead before releasing me. “I brought breakfast.” He holds up a bag of pastries.
My stomach growls as I reach for it and peek inside. An almond croissant sits next to a breakfast burrito. I grab the croissant and take a bite, moaning at the taste of the light pastry on my tongue.
“They didn’t have them like this in Texas.”
“I figured you were missing them.”
“Not as much as I missed you.”
He smiles and pulls me against his chest, resting his chin on top of my head. “I missed you so much, too. I can’t believe we only have a week until I have to head to school.”
“What?” I step back and look up at him. “Why so soon?”
“Coach wants all incoming freshmen to come early for conditioning.”
Banks is going to college on a full scholarship from one of the best D1 swimming and diving programs in the country. I’m so proud of and happy for him, but it means there’s going to be so much distance between us. My eyes prick with tears.
“I thought we’d have more time.”
“Me, too.” He looks down at me with sadnessswimming in his sky-blue eyes. “So we’ll just have to spend every second we can together this week.”
“Deal,” I say with a decisive nod as I take another bite.
“Where’s your mom and Mr. Ambrose?”
“They’re in New York for a couple days.”
I shake my head. “I don’t think so. He said he had some business to handle up there. You know it’s not a marriage of love or romance.”
“Yeah.” He wraps his hand around the back of his neck like he always does when he’s thinking deeply. “I just don’t quite understand why someone of his means and standing would take you guys in. I mean that in the nicest way possible, it’s just weird.”
“Yeah, I don’t really understand it either to be honest. But, so far, it’s been fine. He’s kind to me and most importantly my mom has freedom like she’s never experienced before.”
“That’s good, but you know if you or she ever need anything, my parents will be there for you.”
“I know.” I tug his hand and lead him through the house to the back yard where a pool waits for us. “For now, let’s just have fun and focus on us.”