Page 10 of Angel Unchained
The human female quivered in the corner, shaking her head. But it was taking all the energy and strength I didn’t have to not pick her up and thrust her against the wall and fuck her until she was carrying my child.
Fucking sexual aphrodisiacs. They’d washed her hair in the herbs that drove my kind into rutting beasts.
The need to claim her pulsed with every beat of my heart. I would not subject any child to the tortures of this place. They hoped by me getting this female pregnant that they could learn how to accelerate healing like my species did.
If it worked, they’d probably force me to mate with other females even the vile Roulex.
I would rather die than touch one of those vile creatures. Would rather have their scaled necks in my hands so I could squeeze the life out of them. Watch them beg for their life like they did Celica. My wife. The only woman I’d ever loved.
Giving in to the rutting herbs would dishonor her memory. But the Roulex wouldn’t back off. They wanted more of my kind, even half-breeds, to experiment on and find out how they could use our quick healing abilities.
I backed into the far end of the cell, as far as I could get from the female, and glared at her.
Though for her credit, she looked ready to hurl. Good to know the possibility of being with me made her that ill. I could use that. Keep myself away from her until the damn herbs wore off.
I’d sensed them earlier and fought it, but the more I inhaled, the harder it became to ignore.
Now it seemed the herbs mingled with her scent, permeated the small cell.
I couldn’t get away.
I dug my nails into my palms, my breathing becoming ragged. If I didn’t do something soon—my cock hardened—straining my thin prison pants.
“Talk,” I growled out. Maybe her incent ramblings and questions would help quell this ache.
She jumped. “About what?”
“I don’t care.”
“Then why should I—”
“If you don’t find something to occupy that pretty, little mouth of yours, then I will.”
She paled, trying to back up further away from me, but there was nowhere to go. “Um…I really don’t think my lawyer and judge knew they were sentencing me to…this.”
Her hand fluttered between us like a frightened bird.
I squeezed my eyes shut. Maybe if I imagined her hideous it would help. Instead of doe eyes and chestnut hair and that alluring scent. Stop it. Stop it!
“I mean having an alien’s baby?” She hiccupped a gasp. “No offense, but that’s just horrid.”
“No, that’s just like the Roulex.” I brought forth images of Celica. How they bloodied her. Tortured her. Raped her. How their experiments on her as she carried their offspring ripped from her body and how I had to watch her die without being able to do a damn thing about it.
I won’t go through that again. Even with this stranger. I won’t give the bastards any child of mine. If they gained our ability to heal fast, they could use that to take over this planet and others.
The human was talking again and I’d missed what she had said.
“So there’s no reason to do what they want, right? You’re sexy—I mean cute—and all, but I’m not ready for this.”
I clenched and unclenched my fists. When was anyone ready for prison and torture? I opened my eyes and wished I hadn’t. Her cheeks were scarlet making her dark eyes shine even more. Shit. I needed a change in topics before I crossed the three feet to her.
“Talk about something else,” I grunted
“Do you have a family? I don’t. Not anymore.” She crossed herself. “Mom died of cancer and dad a heart attack two years later. The life insurance only paid for the medical debt and funerals. I’ve been on my own ever since which is how I got the job teaching kids how to drive.”