Page 16 of Angel Unchained
I couldn’t move closer to him, but the terror in his voice made my own spike.
The Roulex thrust open another palm, holding both open with the flashing green light flickering. That must be what they were using to control me and Knox.
With a creak, the door swung outward, and I moved like a puppet through the opening.
Knox’s choked growl echoed in the cell. I could not help a furtive glance over my shoulder, to see him, but I was too far down the stoned hallway.
Then a crash sounded and two more Roulex ran down the hallway to our cell carrying what looked like a barbed mace and a whip with flayed ends.
My throat tightened. They were going to beat Knox—all because he was trying to stop them from taking me—and my heart leapt in joy and sorrow.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked, relieved that at least I was able to speak unlike whatever they’d trapped Knox in.
Cells lined the hallways as they marched me forward. Creatures of all sizes, shapes, and colors poked out through the barred doors, watching. Some flashed their teeth. Others gave me a look of sympathy. And most ducked away as though they didn’t want to attract the guards’ attention.
I was led to a bright room with numerous metal instruments on a table. A Roulex with extra scales over its eyebrows glared at me.
The green leash around me lessened and I rubbed my throat where it had held tight the most. The Roulex who brought me here, waited in the doorway. I took it that as he would take me back to the cell and this wasn’t a harvest the human’s organs session. I wanted to live, not be cut up for spare parts.
When the Roulex picked up a metal shot looking thing with a thick needle, I jumped backward. “No way. I’m not letting you anywhere near me with that thing.”
“You forget, human, you are ours for thirteen glorious months and we plan on making the most of you,” the Roulex holding the needle said in a thick accent like its tongue had trouble forming the words.
“Tell me what is in that shot. I-I’m allergic to some medicines.” I didn’t budge and if the Roulex wasn’t blocking the door, I’d have made a run for it. I hated needles. Sharp, little pricks that got under the skin. And this one looked bigger than the ones dentists use for Novocaine.
It smiled and creeped me out even more. “We have your medical charts, this will only get things started.”
Logic be damned. I was getting out of this nightmare. I darted to the door, hoping the element of surprise would throw them both off.
Before I got a foot to the door, a lash of pain hit my sternum. I jerked upright, unable to breathe for a few seconds.
“Come and take your medicine, you try my patience.” The Roulex behind me huffed.
No way. The creature was crazy if it thought I was going to obey. I shook my head, taking another step forward.
A second strike came and I fell to the floor clutching at my chest, panicking as I thought the thing could have cleaved me in two. I was afraid the Roulex would start lashing me again. But, instead, the creature set a black-looking object aside on the table and stared at me again with the metal needle.
The Roulex at the door tightened the leash around my throat and I found I couldn’t move nor speak. Which was a good thing because the needle jabbed into my hip felt like a nail being hammered into my bone.
My scream came out a gargled cry.