Page 29 of Angel Unchained
“You moron, why did you do that?” She hiccupped a sob. “Are you too injured to heal? Why aren’t you healing?”
I went to stroke away her tears, but my arms wouldn’t move and I realized they were broken. I licked my dried, cracked lips. “Run. Don’t look back and don’t stop until you’re safe.”
“That’s not even funny. Don’t joke about stuff like that.” She smoothed the hair off my forehead.
“They’ll come after us. Go!”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” She pouted. “I am not leaving you. Not after what you did to save me. You’re stuck with me… so you better hurry up with your healing magic and come on.”
“It doesn’t work that way.” I gritted out. “There are too many injuries too soon.”
“All right.” Leaves stuck in her hair. “I’ll get them off our trail.”
“Wait.” Dread pummeled into my gut. “What are you going to do?”
“If I told you, you wouldn’t like it.” She stood and dashed off.
I bit back a bellow. The foolish woman was going to get captured again while I lay here bleeding. I should have thrown her out the window with a makeshift parachute and taken my chances with the Roulex.