Page 37 of Angel Unchained
Samantha was pale and panting as she sat on the ground. Part of me hated Alva for not allowing me to tell her anything.
“H-How did you know? The healers told you?” Samantha guessed.
“When you healed me, it was the babies working through you.”
Her blue eyes widened. “Babies? Like I’m going to have a litter.” Her breaths started coming out fast and shallow.
“No. Twins. Do you want to know more?”
She gulped in air, then nodded.
“A boy and a girl. But you’ve got to get regular checkups now. We don’t know what the acceleration will do to them.”
“Then why wait to tell me,” she demanded. “Wait. Acceleration? What are you talking about?”
“The shot the Roulex gave you.” I swallowed, hoping she wouldn’t hate me forever once she knew everything. “It not only put you in heat and made you extremely fertile, it also made your pregnancy speed up.”
She paled.
“So instead of the thirteen months of my people, you’ll give birth in about seven months if our calculation are correct.” I continued before she started screaming or something. “The healers assured me and Alva that they nor you were in any immediate danger. But that starting now, you will need weekly visits.”
“Is that why you came here?” Her lower lip trembled despite her glare. “To tell me this? Get yourself off the hook for getting me pregnant when we didn’t even have full penetration? Don’t worry, I won’t make you pay child support or anything.”
I knelt in front of her, tucking my wings behind me. I had wanted to do this better. A fancy dinner. Kisses under the stars. The double halo moon, instead I was squatting in dirt, while the woman I loved shot daggers at me.
“Samantha, will you marry me?”
Her mouth dropped open, then she slammed it shut so hard that her teeth squeaked. “What do you allow men to have multiple wives where you’re from? No way. I don’t need your pity or your money or anything from you,” her voice wavered. “Me and the babies will get along just fine.”
Multiple wives? Then realization smacked into me that I fell backward onto my ass. Celia. She thought my first wife was still alive. How could I have botched this up any better?
I had used my dead wife as a shield when I thought Samantha was my enemy. Now it was a double-edged sword cutting me for my gross mistakes.
“No.” I swallowed hard. “I have a confession… Celia died in prison with me over a year ago.”
Samantha blinked like I’d struck her. “Oh.”
“Please forgive me. I-I wasn’t right while I was there. Everyone was my enemy and I…”
“You thought I was too.” She heaved a sigh and stood, dusting off her pants.
“I have no excuse. Should’ve told you the truth immediately.”
“If we’re going to do this, I have conditions.” She stared down at me. “First, you never ever lie to me again. Not even if Alva demands it. Second, you will be a good father to our children no matter what happens.”
I nodded. “And third?”
“You need to prove to me that you know how to make more babies for the future.” She placed her hand on her hip. “After all, I kind of agree with the Roulex that you don’t know h—”
Before she could finish her words, I dove for her, scooping her up in my arms and flying her over this grassy, flat world.
I kissed her long and deep until she was as breathless as me. “Let me show you how much I know about making babies.”
I laid her down on an empty pasture, my wings cocooning us. Our mouths devouring one another. Her hands yanked up my shirt. It was like we were starving for one another. I squeezed her breast through her shirt and she moaned.
I wanted to taste her. To smell her. To kiss her everywhere and savor her.