Page 41 of Bullet
I brushed her bangs from her eyes. “Don’t push me away because I’m not the man you imagined.”
“I have to.” Her breath was sweet, but her words were bitter. Tears hovered on the edge of her lashes. “Don’t trap me here, Bullet. Don’t make me want… Don’t make me want you.”
She spoke the thoughts crawling through my head. “I fucking want every part of you.”
I slid my hand along her jaw and onto her neck. She clutched my wrist. Was it a plea to hold me there or a warning to stop? Those long lashes lowered over her eyes. A rush of adrenaline slipped through my veins, boiling my blood, surging heat low in my gut and into my dick.
I was fucking drawn to her, needing to breathe her in, addicted and feening for my next hit. Her pink tongue touched the bow of her upper lip. I couldn’ttear my gaze from her face. I memorized the arch of her brow, and the defined edge of her jaw.
“Bullet,” she whispered. Her chest rose and fell with fluttering breaths.
I leaned into her, dusting my lips along the heated flesh below her ear. Her fingers curled into my cut. “Fuck, Stormy, tell me you feel it, too.”
“I do, but I don’t want to.” Her arms curled into my chest as she sagged into me. “I’ve only slept with one man, Bullet. I can’t be casual. Not about sex.”
I banded my arms around her and held her close. Another fucking first. I wanted to hold her, wanted to calm her fears, and feel the warmth of her body next to me, and under me.
“I wouldn’t be able to share you, and you already belong to your girls.” She inched away, tipped her head back, and our gazes held. “But we can be friends.”
What we had wasn’t friendly. It was carnal and desperate. I curved my hand around her neck. I wanted to say more, to confess last night was a mistake, but the words stuck in my throat. The last thing I wanted was to continue to remind her of Bristol and Scarlett. “I can’t help feeling possessive of you.”
“But I can’t feel possessive of you.” She swallowed hard. “You want me to admit I feel something? I do. I feel fractured and ready to shatter into a million broken pieces from just the way you look at me.”
“And how do I look at you?”
Her eyes watered. “You wanted to know my fear. I’m afraid I look at you the same way, like I can’t breathe without you. But I’m not programmed forsomeone like you. Bullet, I’m not strong—not strong enough to resist you, but us together would break me.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.” And I wouldn’t make promises I couldn’t keep. I couldn’t promise her fidelity or a future. “I live in the moment. I’m not looking for forever. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you.” I leaned into her. “And I’m not the only one. You’re not riding on the back of another bike or spending the night in another room.”
“I slept with Lili.”
“In Steele’s bed. Not happening.” I reached for the doorknob and turned the handle. “Just because I'm not fucking you doesn’t mean I’m going to share you.”
She cocked a brow and smiled. “Then I’m definitely not one of your girls.”
Chapter Six
The MC was raucous and wild at night, but the mornings were quiet. Sunlight streamed through the stained glass above the altar. Bullet stood next to me. I didn’t want to take comfort in his nearness, but I couldn’t quell the volts of energy overloading my nervous system. I took a small step closer to him.
Half a dozen guys sat at a table.
“I wish I could remember everyone’s name,” I quietly said to Bullet.
He pointed to a guy with a shaved head. “Dozer. Enforcer for the MC. He took over after I stepped down.”
“What does the enforcer do?”
“He makes sure no one misbehaves.”
Considering what I knew of the MC, I wondered what misbehaving would entail. Guns, violence, drugs. Last night, I’d witnessed a biker snort something off a girl’s ass. “I guess it’s hard to be the rule enforcer when you want to be a rule breaker.”
He chuckled. “What makes you think I want to break club rules?”
“Wild guess.” I twisted open the cap on a bottle of water. “Rules seem more like guidelines for you since you tend to do what you want.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right. The club bylaws interfered with my business. Prostitution is technically against the law.”