Page 6 of Pretty Hostage
“Finish it,” he commanded sternly. “Then, I’ll explain what’s going on.”
I didn’t like that he was withholding information to ensure my compliance, but I was thirsty enough that I ignored my irritation.
As he tipped the glass all the way up so I could swallow the last sip, a trickle of water slipped past my lips and spilled onto my chest. Mateo’s arm tensed around me again. When I finally peered up into his black eyes with full clarity, I realized his dark gaze was fixed on the little droplets that glistened on my cleavage.
I shifted in his hold, my skin heating and unease stirring in my belly. I quickly swiped the water away.
“Please,” I begged when he didn’t start explaining immediately. “Talk to me.”
His eyes snapped back up to my face. “Your father abducted Valentina.”
“What? He wouldn’t do that!” I insisted, denial instantaneous and vehement. I’d met Valentina for the first time earlier today. She’d just moved to LA to be with Adrián, whom she obviously loved deeply. We’d met up at my favorite café to discuss her interest in enrolling at UCLA. She’d wanted to ask me questions about the university, and we’d made plans to go shopping together this weekend. I’d assumed we would become friends.
There was no way Daddy would hurt Valentina.
Mateo’s eyes narrowed, searching my features. “How much do you know about your father’s business?”
“He…” I swallowed, suddenly uncomfortable with my own naivete. “He works with Adrián. They…import and export stuff. Right? Daddy never discusses business with Mom and me. He says he wants to provide for us, and we don’t need to be bored with the details.”
Mateo’s head canted to the side. “You really don’t know, do you?”
“I would know what’s going on if you would tell me,” I snapped, losing my patience. Panic was taking hold in my chest, making it difficult to draw breath. Adrián had threatened my father. He’d threatened my safety. And now, I was in a strange bed with Mateo.
This definitely wasn’t the fantasy scenario I’d imagined sharing with him when I touched myself late at night, indulging in my secret desires beneath the protection of my duvet.
“Your father is in the employ of the Rodríguez cartel,” Mateo informed me bluntly. “He traffics cocaine from Colombia into the States. Adrián’s family controls the product at the source from their base in Bogotá, and he oversees distribution on the west coast. Your father has worked for the cartel since well before you were born. Obviously, he’s hidden the harsher realities of this world from you, but you’re involved now.” He scowled. “If Caesar had remained loyal to Adrián, you could have been saved from all this.”
“No,” I insisted, still deep in denial. “You’re lying. Daddy’s not like that. He wouldn’t hurt anybody. If Adrián thinks he kidnapped Valentina, he’s mistaken. That’s just not true.”
The harsh lines of Mateo’s features softened slightly, his eyes warming with something like pity. “I’m sure Caesar only wanted to shield you from ugly truths. That’s what I wanted for you, too. But that time is over now. Your father ordered his men to abduct Valentina in a power play against Adrián. He intends to give her back to her husband, Hugo Sánchez, in return for backup usurping control of California from Adrián.” Grim lines appeared around his mouth. “Hugo is not a good man. Adrián will do whatever it takes to keep Valentina safe from him. That’s why I had to… Well, that’s why you’re here with me.”
“But I don’t have anything to do with all that. Even if it is true.” I still didn’t believe it, but I would set aside my denial for a few minutes, so I could gather more information to assess my situation.
“No, you don’t,” Mateo agreed. “But your father loves you. And Adrián loves Valentina. You’re leverage, so he can get her back.”
He nodded. “You’re going to stay here at my house. Caesar won’t defy Adrián again as long as you’re with me.”
“I can’t stay here!” I burst out. “I have my own apartment. I have my classes. And my friends.”
“You aren’t going back to your apartment,” he said, as though it was a done deal. “Maybe you can attend your classes again at some point. We’ll see.”
“But I have finals coming up,” I protested, as though that was the most pressing issue at the moment. Everything else was just too much to contemplate, so my mind stuck on this fact.
“I’m sorry, but that doesn’t matter anymore. Not right now, at least.”
“It doesn’t matter?” I shouted, slapping his rock-hard chest. “My grades are on the line. My future. You’re talking about fucking up my whole life plan. Because…what? There’s a misunderstanding between Daddy and Adrián.”
Mateo’s thick black brows drew together, casting forbidding shadows over his eyes. “This isn’t a misunderstanding. Your father has challenged Adrián. He’s threatened the woman he loves. Caesar brought this upon himself.”