Page 28 of Dangerous Protocol
He cupped her chin in his hand and bent forward.
“I don’t ever want you to disparage yourself again.” He smoothed his thumb over her jaw. “Got it?”
She nodded.
Jeffrey kissed her, dragged his lips from her mouth, and nibbled on that special spot just below her ear that he’d discovered twelve years ago. After a last nip at her earlobe, he straightened, slid his tie free of his collar, and jerked the bottom of his shirt free of his waistband. He reached for the buttons, and she put her hand over his.
“Let me help.” She stood and began slipping the buttons free until his shirt hung open.
She flattened her hands on his chest and skimmed them over his nipples, her thumb stroking them with each pass.
He ground his teeth together to keep from grabbing her, throwing her onto the bed, and driving into her.
Maya slid her hands up to his shoulders, then pushed his sleeves down until his shirt dropped to the floor with her clothes. She stepped closer and dragged her tongue from the center of his chest to his nipple, then repeated the action on the other side.
His dick pulsed against his pants, and he felt her touch all the way to his core. He speared his fingers through her hair and slammed his mouth down on hers. He turned her head for the best possible angle and drove his tongue deeper into her mouth.
How had he survived so many years without her touch? Without tasting her, feeling her move against him?
She yanked her mouth free, looked down, and grabbed at his belt. Her motions were borderline frantic as shetugged and pulled to unbuckle it. She unbuttoned his pants and dragged the zipper down one fucking tooth at a time. Her hands tucked into his waistband on each side, and she shoved his pants and boxer briefs down in one swift motion. The buckle hit the hardwood floor with a solidclank.
His dick sprang free, and he took hold of it as he kicked the pile aside.
Maya’s eyes widened, and she dragged her tongue over her lips.
He peeled off his socks, grabbed a handful of the comforter, and hurled it off the bed. The dark blue duvet landed in a heap on the floor. He scooped her up in his arms and laid her down on the middle of the big king-size bed.
Seeing her there, naked and ready to trust him with her body again, sent a flurry of memories flashing through his mind. A surge of lust and something deeper coursed through his body. An intense combination of protectiveness, possession, and most of all, love.
Truth be told, he’d loved Maya since their first night together but had been too much of a coward to tell her. He’d let old betrayals stand between him and the woman he loved. All because another woman had hurt him.
When she’d walked away from him, he’d tried to convince himself she was no better than his cheating ex-wife. He’d done everything to forget her, to hate her, even. Tono avail. The feelings they shared were too enduring, too strong to be discarded so casually.
Maya stared at Jeffrey’sgorgeous body as he stalked over to climb on the bed. He straddled her with one knee on either side of her hips and framed her head with his forearms on either side of the pillow. She reached up and pulled him down to her.
His big, warm body blanketed her, made her feel safe, and was a much-needed distraction—if only temporary—from the hell they were all going through. A reminder that there was still good in the world.
She combed her fingers through his hair, and they looked into each other’s eyes for a very long time. No words were spoken. None were necessary.
His face lowered, and his lips melded with her own. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he ground himself against her core.
“Let’s make sure you’re ready for me.” He slid down her body, nestled his broad shoulders between her thighs, and lowered his face to her core.
His tongue stroked up and down her labia, occasionally stopping to dart inside, then back up again. He rubbed his fingertip through the slickness, slowly slid it inside of her, then leisurely dragged it out as his tongue continued to torment her sensitive flesh.
Her back bowed. She whimpered and grabbed fistfuls of sheet in each hand. She lifted her hips and pressed herself against his mouth, desperately seeking his touch to that bundle of nerves that pulsed to the point of aching.
“Jeffrey, please.” Her voice was thick with need.
He drew his finger out, placed a stinging bite to the inside of her thigh that almost sent her spiraling into an orgasm, then kissed his way up her body. His mouth closed over her breast, and he did something with his tongue that turned her nipple hard as a diamond. He moved to the opposite side and repeated the action, then gave the erect nipple a lick before moving up and over her.
“I think you’re ready for me now.” He gave her a cheeky grin.
“I’ve been ready for you for twelve years.” She reached up and stroked the stubble on his jaw.
“I love you.” He turned his face to kiss her palm, reached between them, and grabbed his penis. “Look at me, Maya.” He refused to let her break their connection as he placed the tip at the opening to her vagina.