Page 104 of Coerced
“Crashing girls’ night.”
“Was this your idea?”
He looked to the side, taking in the crowd and noting his friends littered throughout the pub. “It was a collective decision.”
“I see.”
“The thing is, I was working on something at home, and I didn’t want to wait to show it to you,” he explained. “So, I thought I’d call up a few of the guys and see what they thought about crashing this tonight. They were on board, and the word spread.”
My curiosity got the best of me. “You have something you want to show me?”
He nodded.
“What is it?”
Paxton reached inside his pocket and pulled out a folded square of paper. I took it from him and opened it up as he begged, “Don’t laugh.”
When I looked down at what was on the paper, I had to press my lips together to stifle my laughter. “What isthis?”
“It’s a mostly failed attempt at drawing all of my animals,” he answered.
My brows pulled together. “But… but it looks like there’s only one animal here, and I’m sad to say I’m not exactly sure who it’s supposed to be.”
His lips twitched. “That’s why I said it was mostly failed. I don’t think you understand how long it took me to get this drawing of Tiny done.”
“This is Tiny?”
He sighed. “I worked really hard on it.”
I glanced down at the pitiful drawing. He hadn’t done Tiny justice. It was terrible. “Maybe I can give you some pointers next time.”
Surprise washed over him. “Yeah? Would you?”
“Of course. A guy like you that’s as good as you are at everything you do deserves to know how to draw his pets.”
“It’s pretty pathetic, isn’t it?”
I didn’t want to make him feel bad, but I couldn’t bring myself to lie to him. “It’s the effort that matters.”
He laughed. “Right. Well, how about you let me show you something I’m exceptional at?”
“Oh? What’s that?”
Without waiting for a response, he dragged me the rest of the way to the dance floor, where he showed me just how great his moves were.
And as I danced with Paxton and glanced around the pub, taking in the couples who were here with us, I was finally ready to admit I’d found a family that loved me in a place I could confidently say was now my home.
Eight months later
I was supposed to be at work.
But I’d gotten a call an hour ago that the one thing I’d been waiting for was ready. So, I left work early, went to pick it up, and immediately drove home.
I knew Aria was only working at the deli today, so I was bound to find her at home when I arrived.