Page 64 of Coerced
This was what I’d been hoping for. “That’s kind of why I came looking for you and wanted to talk.”
“What’s up?”
I sighed. “I don’t know, Jesse. Technically, Aria and I are just friendly neighbors, but this woman is all I can think about. For days now, I haven’t been able to get her off my mind, but today has been the worst. I can’t stop thinking about her, wondering how she’s going to handle being there and needing to leave on her own tonight.”
Jesse needed all of a few seconds to consider what I’d just said. “So, the only question that remains is whether you want to go right after work, or if you want to wait a bit before showing up.”
The corners of my mouth tipped up. Even if Jesse hadn’t wanted to go—which I never suspected would be the case given the circumstances—there was no question I still intended to go. There was far too much at stake, and I didn’t want to risk not showing up when it was the most critical.
“I’ve just got to run home quickly after work to let my dogs out and make sure all the animals are fed, but I’ll be good to meet you there almost immediately afterward.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
With a quick nod, I said, “Thanks, man.”
“Don’t worry about it. Sawyer’s there, and there’s no way I’m going to sit back when she could be at risk.” I dipped my chin with understanding. Just as I was about to walk out of the room, Hart walked in.
“Hey, Hart.”
“What’s going on?” he returned, moving toward the refrigerator. “I can sense a bit of planning in the air.”
Hart Anderson might have worked with me in the kidnap and ransom unit here, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have doubled as a private investigator. I liked to think we all excelled at reading people and relying on our instincts—especially in situations like last night—but Hart always seemed to be on another level.
“Spot on, as always, Anderson,” Jesse declared. “Pax and I were just discussing our plan to visit The Steel Pub tonight, because a guy followed Pax’s new neighbor home from there last night, and Pax had to intervene.”
Hart had been bent over, looking inside the refrigerator, but at this news, he stood up and pinned his stare on me. “What?” I quickly brought him up to speed on what happened, and his reaction was much like Jesse’s had been. “This is getting old.”
“Yeah, I agree. And since Aria was so shaken up last night, I wanted to go to the pub to help put her at ease when it’s time for her to go home.”
Hart, who I worked with on a regular basis, sent a questioning look my way. Jesse let out a laugh and said, “It looks like I’m not the only one with questions.”
I turned my attention to Jesse. “What’s the supposed to mean?”
His lips twitched. “What exactly is going on with youand your new neighbor? I mean, you said there’s nothing happening between the two of you, and I get that you wouldn’t want something like what happened last night to happen again, but is there more going on here?”
I had an inkling the conversation could eventually head in this direction. It would have been foolish to think I could say what I had about not being able to get her off my mind and expect my friend wouldn’t ask questions.
I sighed before I shared, “I’d like to think there’s something going on here for the both of us. I took her out once, just as friends, and we had a great time. I like her a lot.”
“Oh, boy,” Hart muttered as he dipped his head back into the refrigerator.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He pulled out the food he brought with him to work today, stood, and looked at me as he made his way to the table where Jesse was still sitting. “We’ve just barely gotten through Huck and Josie. It’s not that I didn’t expect this, but I guess I thought we’d have a bit more time before the next crisis.”
“Okay, well, first, Aria and I aren’t actually together yet,” I explained.
“Yeah, you mentioned that. But you want to be with her,” he fired back.
I rolled my eyes. “You don’t need to be so cynical. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a meaningful relationship with a gorgeous woman. You should try it out sometime.”
He shook his head. “Not a chance. I’m good with my life exactly how it is right now. I have my fun, and nobodygets hurt. But if something different works for you, go for it.”
I questioned whether Hart was attempting to convince me or himself that he was confident in his stance.
“Fine. I’m not going to try to change your mind. That said, when it comes to Aria, I wouldn’t say there’s a crisis. She had an unfortunate situation occur, and I happened to be there.”
His eyes cut to mine. “It’s just the beginning. Something’s coming.”