Page 75 of Coerced
So, I answered honestly. “I don’t, Paxton. I’m not outwardly empathetic like you. I don’t rescue animals or step in to defend people when they’re in trouble. I don’t always make the right decisions, and I am nowhere near as laidback as you.”
“Not only are you insanely beautiful, but you have got to be the bravest woman I’ve ever met,” Paxton shared.
Shaking his head slowly, Paxton explained, “Aria, Idon’t know all the specific details regarding the reason you decided to move. But what I do know is what you’ve shared, and what’s staring me in the face. Something wasn’t right for you where you were, and you picked up your whole life, moving away from everything familiar, to start over again in a new place where you didn’t know a single soul. How could I not be attracted to a woman like that? A woman who isn’t afraid to find something new, something better, and give herself what she deserves.”
My lungs had stopped functioning, and it was everything I could do not to burst into a fit of tears.
I stared at Paxton, feeling stunned and spellbound by him. Was he even real?
My mouth opened and closed several times in failed attempts to respond, to say something. Not a single word came out.
Paxton took advantage of having rendered me speechless and added, “That alone is enough for me to be interested, Aria. But when I add in the fact that you’re hardworking, resilient, super friendly, have a cat of your own, you look great in roller skates or all dressed up like tonight, and you have that dimple, I’d say there’s a lot to like about you.”
This man was everything I didn’t think I deserved, but desperately wanted in my life. So, as was not uncommon whenever it came to him, I didn’t hold back. “I think it would be rude for us to leave here without finishing our entrees.”
In an instant, Paxton threw his head back and burst out laughing. He didn’t seem to care at all that we were in this upscale restaurant with people all around. And if I was honest, I was too awestruck by watching him laughing thatI didn’t care about us being in the restaurant surrounded by people who could see us, either.
When he finally settled and brought his shining eyes to mine, he said, “You make me laugh, too. That’s just one more thing I like about you.”
I smiled at him, feeling overwhelmed with such happiness. Paxton appreciated me, something I hadn’t had in a very long time. “I like you, too,” I confessed. “I like you for all the reasons I just mentioned and more. I like the way you listen and your spontaneity. Your compassion and empathy are simply unmatched. But most of all, I like the way you always do the right thing. I’m not sure I can express to you how incredibly important that is to me.”
Paxton studied me for a moment, and I had a feeling he was trying to work out what led to me sharing what was most important to me. It was obvious he understood there was a story behind it, and it was a relief he didn’t ask me to expand upon it.
“I get the distinct feeling that’s something I’m going to have to wait to get more of an explanation on,” he said.
I hated that’s the way it was, but I didn’t want to risk having him walk away from me. Maybe if we developed an even deeper bond between us, I might stand a chance at holding on to him when he learned the truth.
Sending a sympathetic look his way, I replied quietly. “I appreciate your willingness to be patient with it.”
He shrugged. “I won’t say I’m not curious, because I am. But I’m also content to wait until you’re ready to share it with me. It’s not like I don’t have plenty of other things to enjoy about you in the meantime.”
God, he really was the best man I’d ever met in my life.
The rest of our dinner together went off without a hitch. We had a wonderful time together—the food was fantastic; the company was even better. All throughout, there were lingering looks, knowing smiles, and occasional soft touches. But even in all of those little things we’d experienced, it was the laughs we’d shared that meant the most to me.
Because where the looks and touches indicated there was a strong physical attraction between us, it was the laughter that indicated we shared something much deeper between us.
So, it was no surprise that by the time we’d finished our shared dessert, I was feeling a mix of both contentment and anticipation. As much as I enjoyed my time out to dinner with Paxton, I was eager for the rest of our night to commence.
But it seemed Paxton’s plans for the evening were different than mine. When he stared at me with a questioning look, I asked, “What’s that look for?”
One half of his mouth quirked. “I was just trying to figure out where to take you.”
My brows shot up. “What?”
He jerked his chin in my direction, his gaze dropping toward my body. “You look so stunning, Aria. How can I not want to take you out dancing somewhere?”
“Dancing?” To say I was confused would have been an understatement.
“Dancing,” he repeated with a slight nod.
I was shocked. Part of that was because I didn’t suspect Paxton was the kind of guy who went dancing—though, I shouldn’t have doubted it for one second after seeing his skills in a skating rink—but the other part of mydisbelief came from not understanding how dancing was even on his list of things to do next.
Didn’t he want to take me home?
Didn’t he feel the buildup of tension and chemistry between us ever since last night?