Page 87 of Coerced
It hurt too much to look at them. They reminded me of just how much of a fraud I was, how foolish I’d been.
By the time I’d gotten halfway through the container, it was safe to say I was focused on my mission. But that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.
I was so caught up in my emotions, in carrying out my task, that I didn’t take notice of anything else around me.
When Sasha had gone on alert and attempted to warn me, I missed it completely. It was only when a big body came up behind me and a gloved hand clamped over my mouth that I froze.
And barely a moment later, a picture was waved in front of my face.
My family.
My parents and my sister, bound and gagged, inside our family home.
“Not a word. Not a sound. You do exactly as I say, or they’re dead.”
The tears fell uncontrollably.
“Do you understand?”
With no way to speak, my only option was to nod.
“Good. You’re coming with us.”
Us? There was someone else?
I was spun around on the spot, and that’s when my eyes landed on Ronnie.
Oh God.
Oh no.
Everything was beginning to fall into place. Ronnie hadn’t been some random guy that showed up at the pub and decided to follow me home. He was connected to this mess my father had gotten me into. They’d found me.
A wave of nausea washed over me, and it was only by some miracle I didn’t get sick. But I wondered if that might have been better and bought me some additional time. Because the next thing I knew, I was being ushered forward out of the garage and toward a car.
And the only thing I could think about as I took those slow steps forward was Paxton. I took one last look toward his house and allowed the devastation to seep in.
If I didn’t die as a result of where this situation led, there was no question I’d lose Paxton when he learned the truth about who he’d gotten himself involved with.
Then I’d have to move all over again.
It was funny how fast life could change.
One day I was going about my business, leaving work, and turning on the music the second I hopped in my vehicle to head home.
Not anymore.
Now, I left work, hopped in my vehicle, and felt undeniably content to not have any noise in the car except for my own thoughts. I couldn’t deny how much my life had changed over the last few weeks.
Aria had never been a thought in my mind mere months ago. I hadn’t even known she existed. She was all I seemed capable of thinking about now.
And although we’d made great strides in our relationship recently, I found that there was something about her that was gnawing at me, leaving me feeling a touch unsettled. Aria and I had been spending a lot of time together,and there was no question just how much of a fondness we had for each other.
But she was holding on to something painful from her past. I hated that for her, and I wanted nothing more than to be able to fix it for her. Sadly, I had no choice but to remain patient with her.