Page 1 of Craving Her
Chapter 1
Three Years Ago
Damn, I’m tired. Ever since I signed on as a prospect for the Savage Brothers, I’ve been doing grunt work constantly. Today I helped the other prospects build a stage and a pergola for outside of the compound. Dragon’s woman and some of the other old ladies, wanted a set up for concerts and get-togethers at the club. I may have only been here a month, but I’m learning quick that Dragon might be a scary motherfucker, but he’ll give his old lady, Nicole, anything and everything she wants.
In a way, I’m a little envious of that. It’s the kind of relationship I’ve always wanted—yet never thought existed. Now that I know it does, I don’t want to settle for less. Maybe it’s overreaching and I don’t deserve it. It’s not like I had it growing up. I’ve spent most of my time in a juvenile detention center. When I got too old for that, I lived on the streets until I could get enough cash together for a shit-hole apartment. The man I am now, is self-made. I didn’t have anyone to lean on. My mother was a bitch, and I never met my father. I don’t even know his name, so I figure I never will. It doesn’t really bother me. I’m fine being self-sufficient.
Until I found my way into the Savage Brothers, I didn’t think I’d ever depend on anyone. Now, I look around and see the brotherhood this club shares and the relationships like Dragon and Nicole, Dancer and Carrie, and Bull and Doc and I know that’s what I want. That’s why even though my back is killing me, I’m happy being here. Until I found the club and this town, I don’t think I’ve ever known the feeling of contentment.
I take a drag of my cigarette and lean against the wooden siding of the Wolf’s Den. The club owns this bar, and it’s the main place we all meet up—outside our clubhouse. My brothers are all inside, unwinding after a hard day. I was too, but I just needed a break. I may be happy in the club, but I want more. I want more than I’m probably entitled to. Still, when I watched our Prez, Dragon, pull Nicole onto his lap tonight. I knew that it was exactly what I wanted.
“Kyla, stop,” a boy yells out.
I turn my gaze toward the corner. The voice is coming from the back of the building. It irritates me because the silence I had sought is interrupted.
“I told you to stop calling me that,” a chick hisses back at him. I turn the corner enough to get a better look at the arguing duo.
Suddenly, they have my full attention. He’s talking to a sexy woman in worn blue jeans, cowboy boots, and an indigo V-neck T-shirt that hugs the prettiest tits I’ve laid eyes on. I flex my hands into a fist, because they’re itching to rip her clothes from her body to see those pretties up close and personal—with nothing in the way.
“Don’t be like that. She didn’t mean shit to me.”
“Is it supposed to make me feel better to know that you threw me away for a bitch who didn’t mean anything? I hope your dick falls off after sticking it into that skank,” she growls, and my lips jerk up in a grin.
“I wouldn’t have given her the time of day if you’d opened your damn legs for me. Fuck, Kyla, we’ve been dating for six months. You’ve barely let me feel your damned tits. What did you think I was going to do? A man can only use his hand for so long. You can’t go acting like a bitch over it now.”
“A real man knows when a woman is worth the wait. You’re a boy playing at being a man. You make me sick. Get the fuck out of here and leave me alone. I’m waiting for Mattie, and I think we both know you don’t want to be here when he shows up.”
“Don’t you ever get tired of hiding behind that idiot?” the guy growls.
“Not if it keeps me away from assholes like you. Maybe I should let him know that you just called him an idiot,” she laughs.
I didn’t realize that I was walking closer to them until I’m pitching my cigarette across the parking lot. I can’t explain why, either. It’s almost as if an invisible force is propelling me in that direction. I don’t question it, though. I’m even glad to be doing it when I see the son of a bitch—who is a good six inches taller than her small frame—push her. She stumbles and falls back, her ass hitting the graveled area beneath her. He stands over her, his face red.
“You bitch!”
I move in, grab the son of a bitch by the back of his neck, and toss him away from her. He sails in the air behind me as I turn to look at the gorgeous, curvy, red head. She’s even better up close. Her skin is a little darker than most women with red hair that I’ve been around, but still pale. It’s more golden though. For some reason, those shaved ice drinks of peaches and cream come to mind. They used to serve them to us in the detention center after we’d worked out in the heat all day. I thought they tasted like heaven. I bet this woman would taste even better.Just looking at her skin begs a man to put his lips on her and kiss every inch.
Fuck, I can feel how hard I’m getting as I look down at her. This is the kind of woman I’d love to have tied to me. She’s a little young, but she’s at the club, so she’s obviously legal. Dragon is very careful and makes sure they card here at the club. They do it heavily and our guys can spot fakes a mile away. Still, this beauty can’t be much past twenty-one—if at all. That’s still too young for me, but the more I stare at her, I just don’t give a damn.
“Let’s get you off the ground, Peaches,” I murmur, my voice thick with hunger for her that I can’t deny. Hell, maybe it’s my imagination, but the air around us seems to crackle with energy. It’s as if invisible currents are pulling us together. I’ve never been a believer in fate, but suddenly, it feels like this woman is someone I’m fated to have in my life. The air feels heavy with promise the moment she reaches out and takes my hand with hers. I pull her up, but I don’t let go of her hand.
“Who the fuck are you?” the assclown behind me says. “Excuse me a minute, darlin’,” I tell the beauty, who is currently killing me slowly by licking her lips while watching me like she wants to eat me alive. That’s something I will definitely volunteer for once I get rid of the idiot that I force myself to turn around and face. I’d much rather keep my attention on the tempting woman than this guy.
“You need to leave. You won’t like what happens if you don’t.”
“Fuck off. This doesn’t concern you. This is between me and my woman.”
“Do you belong to this pecker-head?” I ask, looking back toward the woman in question.
“Fuck no. I don’t belong to any man,” she snaps with pride. Something about hearing her sweet mouth utter the word fuck wraps around my dick and makes him weep with hunger.
“We’ll negotiate that once I get rid of this clown, Peaches,” I respond with a smirk, letting my eyes rake over her body. There’s no way she could misunderstand what I’m saying, and I don’t want her to. I’ve never had a reaction to a woman like this in my life. I’m not letting her walk away.
Her eyes dilate with shock before her full lips spread into a smile. “I’ll be here waiting,” she answers.
“Kyla! Stop this shit. I know you’re pissed. I admit, I fucked up, but quit making shit worse.”