Page 20 of Craving Her
“Are you going to call the law and detain me for some stupid shit—which I promise won’t go well for you—or are we done here?” I snap, having had enough at this point. I’d never physically hurt Skylar and I don’t like this fucker insinuating I would.
“It sounds to me like you’re the one doing the threatening,” he huffs and that’s about all I can handle.
I take out my cellphone and dial the Cincinnati chapter of the Savage Brothers. I’m going to need someone local either to handle this guy or bury the body. I’ll leave the choice up to them.
“Yo!” Fremont answers. He’s the Enforcer of the club here. He’s a good guy, although he definitely likes violence and shelling it out. If this asshole in front of me is afraid now, Fremont might cause the man to die of fright. I’m big, but hell, Fremont is fucking huge. He’s so tall he had to have the doors in their club adjusted to fit him. Hell, come to think of it, most of the men in the Cincinnati club are like that. I’d say Fremont is over seven feet. I could be wrong, but I really don’t think I am.
“Hey, Freeze,” I answer, using his club name.
“Joker? That you? Breaker told me you’d be in the neighborhood but wouldn’t be staying to meet up with us. My boys saw you cross the territory. Something wrong?”
“I got a security guard here at Swank giving me shit. At this point, we have two choices. You guys handle him, or I do, and you decide where to hide the body.”
Freeze immediately starts laughing. “This pain in your ass have a name?”
“I’ll ask. What’s your name?” I ask the dumbass. He crosses his arms like he’s not going to answer. I’d give him credit for having more balls than I thought he did, but I saw the tremor in his hands as he moved them. He’s not brave, he’s just trying to hide the fact that he’s scared to death.
“He’s not talking, but his nameplate says Stern.”
“Okay, give me a second to contact the pipsqueak’s boss. You going to drop by the club?”
“Wasn’t planning on it, but Breaker’s sister is being a little difficult, so it appears I’ll be here a little longer than I first planned.”
“Good! It will be good to see you. Debbie has missed you, too.”
I huff. “You’ll have to send my apologies to Debbie,” I answer without much thought.
“Fuck, dude, you got an old lady now? The club candy in three states will be crying rivers of tears.” I roll my eyes.
“Not yet, but I have my eye on one,” I answer honestly. I don’t know how the fuck this shit is supposed to work, but I’ll be damned if I hand Skylar over to that damn Carlos. If the son of a bitch is telling the truth and her family gave him the all-clear, then they can damn well do it for me. I ignore the small voice in my head that says they won’t. If they refuse, then I’ll know the home I’ve built here is nothing but lies. It would suck, but it’d be better to know than not. If they can accept Chains, Dom and Carlos with their daughters, then I’ll take what I want.
“Can’t wait to meet her. Okay, your problem should be cleared up. He should be getting a call any?—”
The security guard’s phone rings before Freeze can finish, making me smirk. “Damn, you work quick.”
“I love power. Have I mentioned that?”
“I’ll be in touch soon,” I tell him.
“Sounds good.”
He hangs up, and I click my phone off as I watch the guard quietly argue with his boss. I walk away and go inside, not bothering to listen to their conversation. I don’t really give a damn. I need to find Skylar. If she’s got plans to lose her virginity tonight, I can’t give her time away from me. I need to stop it. I want her. I’ve always wanted her. The need to claim her as mine is so strong sometimes it makes my knees weak. That’s a hell of a thing to confess for a man like me, but it’s true just the same. I don’t know if I’m ready to face Breaker and Bull. If I knew being with me permanently is what Skylar wanted in her life, then I’d have no problem. Her family could either like it or go fuck off.Still, telling them before Skylar figures out what she’s in for with me would be stupid. I’m wondering if I could hide part of who I am from her. She’s so young and definitely innocent. I don’t want her to be terrified of me before we even have a chance.
Fuck …
My gaze moves through the bodies on the dance floor. It’s not easy to find someone in the throng of bodies swaying on the dance floor. My gaze moves upstairs.Would she be up there again?It was pure luck I found her last time. I had been standing up there, trying to look down and find her. It gave me the best vantage point to locate her. I went to her dorm earlier, but she wasn’t there. A girl who stayed next door to her room let me know where she was.
I should have known nothing about this would have been easy. With Skylar, nothing ever is. I climb the stairs, looking around the place and hating being here. I’ve never been the type to enjoy shit like this. Then again, I do little more than party at the clubhouse, eat, work and fuck. It’s a life I love. I never thought of changing it and still don’t plan to. I never thought about it before, but Skylar doesn’t exactly hang out at the club. Will she hate the lifestyle I live? I see her almost in the same exact spot she was in before. She’s talking to some chick. They seem to be in a deep conversation. I wait until she walks away, leaving Skylar alone before I continue toward her. I press my front to her back and put a hand on the railing in front of her, boxing her in.
“You shouldn’t have left, Peaches,” I murmur once I bend down to let my lips graze against the shell of her ear.
“I had nothing left to say. I went momentarily stupid thinking you had finally grown a pair and were ready to admit that you wanted me. I’m back to reality now. I don’t need to beg a man to fuck me. There’s plenty available. In fact, I’ve already got my eyes on someone.”
I tense at her response. “Who?” I practically snarl.
“That guy over there,” she answers, making a small motion with her head. I look down at her, following her line of vision in the direction she nodded. There’s a guy leaning against the rail on the other side of the room. This railing surrounds the whole upper loft area, making an open square shape to see below at the bar and dance floor.
“You’ve got to be kidding. That guy over there wouldn’t know what to do with a woman like you.”