Page 30 of Craving Her
I turn to look at him. “Shut up. I pulled my punches on you, but if you say one word to me in defense of your little whore, your dick won’t only be sore, it won’t work anymore,” I warn him and even I can admit my voice has dropped in tone and sounds deadly. In my defense, I’m pissed as hell. I swing his bitch to my front and wrap my arm around her neck, while keeping my other hand tight in her hair. “You’ve pissed me off for the last time, Debbie. Do you see that man over there? He doesn’t belong to you. He willneverbelong to you.” I’m not applying actual pressure, but she’s so terrified that she’s stopped moving. “Now, I’m about to make you go nighty-night. You’ll only be out for about ten seconds or so, but you need to know that I am in control of that too. I could kill you easily and if you fuck with me again, I won’t hesitate. I figure there aren’t many people in the world that will miss you, but either way it doesn’t worry me because I didn’t grow up in this family without learning. I can make sure that your body will never be found. So, when you wake up, remember what I said and stay the fuck away from me and from him. If you don’t promise me, I’ll make youverysorry.”
With that, I apply light pressure with my arm, knowing I have it stationed at exactly the right place. Debbie’s out in just a second or two. It isn’t long enough for a chokehold to truly work. I actually think she might have passed out from fear. That works out even better. I let her go to the floor, not caring how hard she falls on the concrete. “Trudy, I need a new room for the night.”
“You got it, hun,” Trudy says, not really hiding her laughter, but she does try.
“You still have my shirt,” Heavy announces.
“Yep, and you’re not getting it back,” I tell him. Heavy picks me up bridal style. “C’mon, little badass. Let’s get you a room,” he laughs and because I’m feeling over emotional, I relax against him, wanting him to take me away. I’m terrified I might cry, and that’s the last thing I want Torin to see.
Before I can agree with Heavy, however, there’s this unholy growl heard behind us. I look up to see an irate Torin stalking toward me and Heavy. “You’re not taking her anywhere. She belongs to me.”
“I don’t?—”
I can’t get the denial out before he has me in his grasp. He marches me back down the hall and when he passes the fourth door, he stops and opens it. He marches across the room and drops me down on the bed. I bounce as I hit the mattress. It takes a hot second before I finally struggle to sit up.
“What the hell?” My question might have started out angry, but it ends in a squeak as Torin’s cut lands on me. I toss it to the side, but by that time, Torin has grabbed the bottom of Heavy’s shirt and is ripping it over my head. He doesn’t do it gently either. It’s so forceful that my hands automatically come up. I gasp as I sit there in nothing but a pair of pale pink cotton panties. Torin’s gigantic body has me blocked from the members of the club that have gathered to peek into the room. He extends down over me. I should knee him in the balls again, but I think I might be in shock. I didn’t expect him to come at me again so quickly. With the strength I expelled on my knee kicks, I would have thought he’d at least think twice before he came around me again. He presses me back down on the bed and I know my face shows my shock. Even I can tell that my eyes are as round as saucers. He grabs his cut and puts it over me. Normally I’d yankit right off, but in this case, I grab it and cover my body—most importantly, my breasts.
“Stay here,” he growls.
I want to argue but watching him march to the only exit in the room—essentially blocking it—I decide to stay right where I’m at.
“Take your fucking shirt, Heavy, and stay away from my woman.” He flings the shirt at him. Heavy winks at me, right before Torin slams the door in his face—in everyone’s face.
He turns around to look at me. His face is tight with anger, and I swear to God, I can see his eye twitching. I know quite a bit of self-defense, but I think running away might be best. I look at the bathroom and try to judge the distance from here to there.
“Don’t even think about it,” he orders, making me bite my lip.
I could be in trouble.
Chapter 16
I’ve never been more thankful to see Skylar actually listen to me for one. She doesn’t move. I’m fucking glad, because I might be moving around, but every fucking step hurts. I knew Breaker and Bull had trained my girl hard. Hell, not only them, but Dragon and the others stepped up too when they found out she was moving to Ohio. They wanted her to be able to take care of herself under any conditions. Still, I don’t think I was prepared to see her in action. I sure as fuck wasn’t ready to be on the receiving end. My girl packs a punch and if she did as she said and pulled them, I’m damn lucky to be standing right now.
I walk over to the mini fridge and pull out two bottles of water. I put one in the bottom freezer department. It’s not exactly roomy, so I have to lay it down, but it fits. I’ll need that one soon. Then, I grab a dishtowel and walk back toward the bed.
I put the items down on the mattress and kick off my shoes and get rid of my socks, before straightening back up and undoing my belt.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m getting ready to try and freeze my fucking balls so I can breathe without pain.”
“It’s your fault you’re in pain,” she huffs. Damn, I love her spunk. If my dick wasn’t killing me, I swear I’d fuck her right now.
“Funny, I thought I was in pain because you went all Muhammad Ali on my motherfucking balls.”
“Quit whining. I could have hit you like I’ve been trained to do. I took it easy on you. Besides, you’re not the one that’s going to have to leave this room, showing her ass as I go back to my room to find clothes.”
“You look damn fine in my cut and nothing else, Peaches. In fact, as soon as my dick recovers, you’re going to fuck me while you’re wearing it and nothing else.”
“Maybe we should take you to the doctor because you’re clearly delusional.”
“I’m going to have fun filling your mouth so full you can’t sass me, woman. As for going to your room. That’s not happening tonight. I want you naked, but if you’re uncomfortable with that, go over to the closet. The few things I had in my saddlebags are in there. Find something and put it on.”