Page 65 of Craving Her
On the other side of us, I notice Dom, King, and my sister standing and talking. I open my mouth to tell Carlos that I need to go stay with my sister because it’s clear she’s upset. I don’t get the words out before Carlos leans down and whispers close to my ear so I can hear him. “I really appreciate you staying with me, Kyla. I’m having a really hard time with all of this. I just might make it through the service with you close by.”
I snap my mouth shut. I’m well and truly screwed. I just smile at Carlos and nod. “That’s what friends are for,” I answer lamely. I say it a little louder than I normally would. I’m praying that Torin hears me. I want him to know that there’s nothing to any of this. It won’t help a lot, but I’m hoping it will keep him from going caveman and carrying me away, bent over hisshoulder. As we turn and walk toward our seats, I look over my shoulder to smile at Torin.
He doesn’t return it.
Chapter 35
As if the past three days haven’t been a living hell, I stand still like a fucking schmuck as the woman I love walks by, holding hands with an asshole who wants her in his bed. Doubts begin to arise again that she’s having second thoughts about what I have to offer her. Shit, maybe someone like this Carlos loser is exactly what she wants. Just the thought of it is enough to cause a burning in my gut that is physically painful.
When she looks at me, I see guilt written on her face.Motherfucker.It takes everything I am not to go over there and beat the fuck out of that asshole and carry Skylar away. I don’t do that shit. I know it’s not the time. It still pisses me off that I’m even in this situation.
“Dude, are you listening?” Raze asks and I want to look at him and say fuck no, I’m not listening. I don’t, mostly because I’m so angry I’d probably scream it. I look at him blankly and Raze just shakes his head. “I said we need to move to our seats. Our club is all sitting together in the back three rows.”
“Okay,” I answer, wishing I was back home. It was a mistake to come. I only did it because I thought Skylar might need me. That’s obviously a fucking joke. Raze and I meet up with Dom and Thea before we all take our seats.
“You okay, man?” Raze asks.
“Great,” I lie out of my ass.
“You talk to her yet?”
“Nope. She seems a little too busy at the moment.”
“Joker, man. Just go get her and tell her enough is enough.”
“Just let it go. The service is starting,” I respond. My voice is almost as cold as my heart feels.
I knew I was in deep with Skylar. I just didn’t prepare myself for the complete devastation that the thought of losing her would cause me. From where I’m sitting, I can see the top of Skylar’s head. That fucker has his arm resting against her back and his hand on her shoulder. Looking at them causes physical pain to hit my chest. I just keep staring at her. I don’t hear any of the service, and if Raze keeps talking, I have no idea. I’ve completely tuned him out.
I keep staring at the back of Skylar’s head, willing her to turn around and look at me.She never does.After the funeral, I find myself leaning against the wall of a garage as the family members and others walk toward the area where a dinner has been prepared for everyone. I stand helpless as Skylar walks by with that wannabe Romeo not too far behind her. He keeps getting distracted by people stopping to talk to him. Skylar looks at me and I swear I see pain on her face. I can’t tear my gaze away from her. I just can’t do it. I’m slightly fascinated by the pain on her face. Why is it there?Does it hurt her to know that she’s breaking me?
I’ve never wanted a cigarette more in my life than right now, and I haven’t had one in forever. I drop my head down, wishing I was anywhere else other than where I’m at right now. I slowly raise my head back up. Skylar is following the crowd toward the food, but I notice Dom and Thea are looking right at me. Dom isn’t a fool. I just let him look. I can’t even drum up the will to care at the moment.
“Stop it.” I look up to find Raze staring at me.
“What?” I ask, not understanding what he’s talking about.
“That damn pity-party you’re drowning in. Just grow some balls, man. You say this woman is it for you. I don’t pretend to know how it is to be a Dom. Still, if that’s what you are, show her. Jesus, right now you’re acting like a little pussy, afraid to get around her.”
“She asked me to give her five days. She has two left,” I snap, my control close to breaking.
“That girl doesn’t know what she wants right now. If you’re going to be her man, then show her before someone else steps in and takes your place,” he barks like a damn drill sergeant. Then he stomps off, leaving me wondering if I should take his advice.
Fuck it. It’s not like most of the club isn’t already aware of what’s going on. If they don’t tell her parents, then Wheeler and his crew most definitely will. I look over to where people are gathering to eat. The asshole who has spent most of the day with his arm around my woman is surrounded by some people that I don’t know. I guess I can be thankful that he’s occupied at least. I scan the immediate area until my gaze lands on my woman. She’s sitting with her parents, Dom, Thea, Dragon, and Nicole.
Go big or go home, I guess.
I practically march over to their table. I know I look like a thundercloud. I don’t give a damn. I’m barely able to control myself as it is.
I clear my throat to get everyone’s attention when I make it to their table. “Oh, hey Joker. Everything okay?” Dragon asks.
“Not really. Skylar, I think we need to talk.”
Her eyes go so round that they practically bug out. I’d find it humorous if I wasn’t so pissed off.
“What’s going on here, Torin?” Dom asks.