Page 68 of Craving Her
“Well, I know when we get back we’re going to start looking at apartments?—”
“I know! I can’t wait. It’ll be our own place. No more quiet sex.”
Torin laughs at me, his head thrown back and looking so beautiful that it takes my breath for a minute.
“Babe, you don’t know how to have quiet sex. Last night you had the hounds outside howling you were so loud.”
I slap him on the chest. “I did not! You take that back.”
“Baby, you did. Shit, Killer is still asking me why we are fighting over paint colors if we’re just going to move out anyway.”
I blush so deeply that my face feels like it’s on fire. When we got back from Diego’s funeral, Torin and I had a frank discussion about the Dom and sub relationship. It’s a lot different from what I had imagined. I can even admit that it suits me really well. That could have more to do with the fact that I’m doing this with Torin. I can’t imagine giving anyone else the trust I’ve given him. Anyway, he assigned me the safe wordBurnt Sienna. It made meroll my eyes, but I had to admit, I kind of liked it, too. During our first session, I used that word often. I didn’t use it because he hurt me. No, it was the opposite. My man was overloading me on passion, and I thought I might black out. Torin took great pleasure in punishing me for stopping our play for the wrong reason. Heck, my ass is still tender. Although, honestly, I liked the punishment almost as much as the rewards he gives me.
“Then, I guess we can’t have sex again until we’ve moved into our own place.”
“Bullshit. You like my dick too much to go without it.” I frown at him, but I don’t argue, because he’s not exactly wrong.
“Jerk,” I mutter, making him chuckle and squeeze me tighter.
“Quit distracting me, woman. Now, as I was trying to explain. Since we’re going to move anyway, would you rather we look for a place in Cincy that’s close to campus for you? I can always transfer to the club there.”
“Are you nuts?” I ask, thinking my man has completely lost it.
“What? It would be easier. You’ll be going back there for school and I’m not about to stay away from you for long periods at a time.”
“You are absolutely not transferring to Cincy. I love Wheeler and the guys, but there’s no fucking way we’re leaving Kentucky. I don’t want you to give up the club. Besides, with Mattie missing, they need you.”
“Baby, how am I supposed to live only seeing you on the weekends? Fuck, neither one of us could survive that scenario.”
“It’s just a little over two hours in distance. People have longer commutes than that. We’ll make it work somehow. After this semester is over, I can transfer to UK. Lexington isn’t a bad drive.”
“If you’re sure,” he says, studying me to see if I’m lying.
“Positive,” I answer with a grin.
“We may need an apartment there and here—at least until you transfer. That way, I can be with you when you can’t come home.”
“Torin, that’s just a waste of money. There’s no point in having two apartments. Cincy really isn’t that far away.”
“Peaches, your man is a full member of the club. It’s not like I’m hurting for money.”
“That’s not the point. It’s stupid to pay for two places to live. Rent isn’t exactly cheap.”
He lets out an exasperated sigh. “Fine. Then we’ll rent a place here and stay at the club in Cincy when we need to. That is, if you can handle seeing me around Debbie.”
“Debbie better stay the fuck away from you. I’ll kill the bitch if she gets within shouting distance of you.”
Torin grins at me. Dumbass man loves it when I’m possessive. “Damn, you’re hot when you’re jealous, baby.”
“Shut up and kiss me, you big dummy. We both need some sleep.”
He gives me a quick kiss but stops it before we can delve in deeper—leaving me disappointed. “Oddly enough, I’m not that tired,” he answers, as I look up at him
“It’s like two in the morning. How are you not dragging?”
“I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” I ask, completely shocked.