Page 34 of Filthy Hot
“Ha,” I bark.
All eyes swing to me, and I almost apologize, but then Robert and his men pull their guns out and point them at us.Fuck. Shit just got real.
I flick my gaze to the women. They are all lined up, watching us with dead-eyed expressions on their faces. They’ve seen this bit play out before.
“Are you questioning me?” Robert asks, puffing his chest out.
He should be asking that because I am doing just that. I am questioning him. I do not believe him. Sal wasn’t lying to us. Sal is a lot of things, but not a liar. He also doesn’t need these assholes' protection from any branch of the government. He has his own video footage locked away, with all branches of said government in compromising positions for a rainy day.
“I am,” I confirm, taking a step toward him. “I am, indeed.”
“Those are words to die by,” Robert grinds out.
“I won’t be alone in Hell, then. You’ll be beside me.”
And with that, because of my fucking mouth, the entire plan is shot to complete hell in a handbasket. I should feel guilty, but I don’t. Fuck all these assholes and their screaming bitches in the background.
Fuck them all.
I just hope I make it out of this shit alive.
Standingin the middle of the parking lot, I face the front door of Sal’s and wonder what tonight will bring. I don’t even know what my schedule is. I just show up every day and hope Sal will pay me.
I’ve had more than enough in tips to pay for my room and food every single day since starting at Sal’s. I don’t want to go anywhere else. This is the best job I’ve ever had on the run. I just hope Xavier hasn’t found me.
I know he will. I should be telling Rider all about my relationship, all about my past, but I just can’t seem to do it. I don’t know if I will ever be able to admit what I lived through with that man, what I continue to live through.
As much as I want to beg Rider to take care of the situation, to take care of me, and get rid of Xavier, to scare him away forever, I know it’s not his responsibility. But at the same time… I’m tired—exhausted, even.
Moving into the bar, I suck in a breath, holding it as I cross the threshold. There is nobody inside. I let the air out in a long exhale as I shift my gaze around, looking for Dennis or Sal, but don’t see anyone.
My heart begins to slam against my chest as I move forward. One step after the other. Listening, I try to hear movement anywhere, but there is nothing. I bite the inside of my cheek as I walk farther into the place, and then I make my way down the hallway.
I’ve never been this far before.
Sal has never let me back this far.
But as I pass his office, I glance into his window. The lights are turned off. Once I reach the end of the hall, I come upon two doors. One on the right and one on the left. I reach for the door on the right, turn the knob, and push it open.
I close my eyes, then open them as I move into the room. It’s not exactly what I expected. I don’t know what I anticipated, really. I knew it was a strip club, but it’s not exactly how I imagined.
It’s a big room. There are chairs randomly placed everywhere, scattered throughout the whole space, but that isn’t what causes me to pause.
It’s the three stages.
I don’t even know how three stages could fit into the room. But each stage has a gleaming shiny silver pole. They stand proudly in the otherwise barren room.
Stumbling backward slightly, I turn toward the other room, holding my breath as I open the door. What I see there isn’t as exciting as the three stripper poles, but it is nonetheless intriguing.
There are card tables, craps tables, and roulette.
Gambling, stripping, and drinking. I’m not sure what I expected to find in the back rooms. I mean, I knew there were things going on I wasn’t told about. I knew there was dancing. Bren and the girls worked back here and were making great money.
I knew what it was. I just didn't expect this exact scenario.