Page 41 of Filthy Savage
This has Spencer written all over it. I cannot imagine Ophelia getting her into trouble, but then again, I haven’t spent much time with her in recent years. There is a long pause where I listen intently before Atomic chuckles. “We’ll be there in a few.”
He ends the call, still laughing as he shakes his head in what I can only assume is disbelief. Then he lifts his gaze to meet mine. His lips are still curved upward in amusement. He speaks, unable to hide the laughter from his voice.
“That was Dennis down at Sal’s Bar. He’s got all the old ladies down there, and they’re drinking and carrying on.”
My eyes widen, and I flick my gaze down to my watch and snort. “It’s two in the afternoon,” I needlessly point out.
“Apparently, they talked Kyle into calling down Bren and a few of the other girls. They’re giving pole lessons. He thought we’d want a heads-up.”
“Are you shitting me?” I snap.
He bursts out laughing, throwing his hands in the air, his palms facing me in surrender. “Brew, it’s two in the afternoon. There aren’t any customers there. Just the girls, Sal and Dennis, and that man only has eyes for his own woman.”
He’s right. But that doesn’t mean I want my woman on a pole… ever. I stand up, take my iPad, and walk out of the conference room. He is close behind me as we make our way toward our bikes.
I don’t need to be in the pickup today. My luggage has been moved, and my woman is going to ride on the back of my bikebefore I take her home and spank her ass while I’m fucking her for pole dancing.
Holy fucking shit.
Bren laughsas I attempt to spin around the pole. I only make it around once, and I try to arch my back the way she showed me, but I fail completely. Sliding down to the floor, I start giggling, too.
“Watch a pro,” Ophelia calls out.
Turning toward her, I watch as she wraps her leg around the pole and spins perfectly. If I didn’t know better, I would guess Ophelia has worked a pole before. Maybe she has? I open my mouth to ask her when Shawn whistles loudly.
“Go, go, go,go,” she chants.
Kyle is standing at the bottom of the stage, unable to hold back her laughter at the situation. Ryan is still at the bakery. She is holding down the fort, but Kyle called Shawn and told her to get down here to get a lesson from Bren and the other strippers.
It’s a hot-ass mess.
I love every second of it.
“I couldn’t ever imagine Ophelia dancing on a pole, but she’s good,” Kyle announces.
Flicking my gaze back to Ophelia, I watch her move and twerk, Bren, who’s beside her, joining in. They’re having a great time, and for the first time in my life, I see Ophelia as more than just the woman who owns and works behind the counter of the motel in town.
She’s beautiful, sensual, and fun.
“Okay,” Bren calls out breathlessly. “Let’s switch it up.” Her gaze finds mine, and she jerks her chin slightly. “Stand up, and instead of trying to climb the pole or anything like that, why don’t you use it as your partner?”
“Partner?” I ask,
The room fills with what I can only describe as sex music. It’s got a low beat that thrums through the room and even my body.
“Make that pole your lover, Spencer. Fuck it.”
My eyes widen. I blink, but then my lips turn up into a smile as I stand up and wrap my fingers around said pole.
“Stripping isn’t always about being naked. Anyone can strip off their clothes and shake their tits. This is about the art of seduction. The men out in the audience want to believe that it’s them between your legs every time you spread them. They want to be that pole.”