Page 85 of Filthy Savage
Looking behind me,I snort at the fact that we’re completely alone. I don’t know why, but I expected someone to follow us—watch us. Southern Mafia checking up on us or some shit.
They don’t.
Not that there is much to see. We’re going to load up this merch, mix it with the dope that’s already in the back of the truck, and then drive it to the drop-off point.
That’s that and nothing else.
Maybe there is something else at play, but it’s not this, and while I’m not disappointed, I am surprised. Merchandise and deliveries seem to be where we have the most issues, which include, but are not exclusive to, arrests and prison time.
Once we’ve loaded everything up, I survey the area again, and again, we’re alone. I feel almost as if I’m looking for trouble, maybe anticipating it. I’m not sure. But what I know is that absolutely nothing is easy. And I don’t trust the Southern Mafia agreement, contract treaty or not.
Climbing up into the truck, I adjust my mirrors and begin to drive. Guts is beside me, and I can’t help but wonder if I should have made him and Rim continue to stay with Spencer for protection.
“You good, bro?” Guts asks after a few moments of silence.
I flick my gaze to him, then shift it back to the front windshield, clearing my throat before I shift in my seat.
“Yeah,” I grunt.
I let out a heavy sigh, my cheeks puffing out as it escapes. “Yeah,” I agree. “I don’t trust the Southern Mafia, and I was wondering if you and Rim should have stayed on Spencer, is all.”
“She’s probably safer at your cabin than she would be at Ophelia’s motel,” Guts murmurs.
Jerking my chin in a single nod, I clear my throat before I speak. “Yeah,” I rasp. “She is, but at the same time, I don’t want her alone. I’ve never worried about someone before. I’m a complete fucking pussy for this girl.”
Guts lets out a bark of laughter. “You’re no different from Atomic, King, or Gnaw. They’re all complete fucking pussies, and don’t let them tell you anything different. You and I both know they are.”
He’s not wrong, and now I’ve joined the ranks even though I swore that I wouldn’t. “What happens when they’re used because of how valuable they are to us? Not just because they’re our women, our property, but because they are without a doubt our weakness.”
“They are,” Guts agrees. “But I think they’re all your strength, too.”
I think about his words. He’s right. Those women are not only our weakness but also our strength. I’ve never felt so strong and so goddamn pathetic in my life. This woman owns me, but at the same time, she holds me up.
So, what the fuck do I do with that?
I have no idea.
The rest of the ride, we chat about things that aren’t as deep. I’m glad not to focus on relationship shit any longer. By the time we reach the drop-off point, I can see the sun beginning to rise on the horizon.
I’m ready to get home, slide into bed, and do all of the things I promised Spencer I would do to her. Shaking hands with the contact, I tell him we’ll see him soon, but he pauses, holding his hand up to stop me.
“Heard your guy got caught, thrown in the slammer,” he murmurs.
Nodding a couple of times, I clear my throat. I don’t know what the fuck to say. It happened, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be an issue any longer… hopefully anyway. I tell him as much, and he clears his throat.
“Real sorry to hear about it, anyway. You took care of the rat who did it?” he asks.
I snort, unsure of how I want to answer that exactly. What I want to do is give him every single detail of how we took care of the rat bastards, but I don’t do that. I honestly don’t feel like I can trust anyone right now. Maybe it’s just because of what happened to Clink. But I think it’s generally out of a sense of desire to protect Spencer.
Spencer is here, and she’s mine. I know she loves me more than just a teenage girl’s infatuation the way it was a decade ago. I wouldn’t have even appreciated her infatuation back then. I appreciate her love and devotion now, though. Probably more than she’ll ever know.
“It’s handled,” I say to the contact, not willing to divulge anything more just in case he’s just as much of a rat bastard as Albert and his grandkids. His eyes widen, and he chuckles.
“Good. Hey, wanted to know if the next order, could we get that doubled?”
My eyes widen, and I know he sees the shocked expression on my face because his chuckle now is deeper. “We’re anticipating some extra partying.”